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Clytie 2010-06-03 08:32 PM

Accessibility issue: tab drawer
G'day all :)

I tried to find this in the forum, but I can't read much nowadays, so I might have missed it. If so, sorry.

Like many disabled people and people with visual issues, I have difficulty reading text on a white background. I use [url=]Readability[/url] for webpages, but I still have a lot of trouble distinguishing tabs from each other in the tab drawer.

The tabs have a white background. The status icons are great, but apart from that, all the text just starts to look the same for me. It takes me ages just to distinguish a tab from the others, and moving through them all to try and work it out is even more confusing (stack overflow for my brain). I tried using the icon view, but that was actually more difficult, since it just added more information, rather than highlighting the information I needed.

Is there any chance we could:[LIST=1][*]choose the background colour for the tab drawer[*]have a right-click option to highlight/label individual tabs[*]include the favicon in the tab[/LIST]

Any of those would be a big help, and having all three would be terrific. I think these options would help people with any visual difficulties, as well as those with concentration problems.

I usually have a couple of screensful of tabs in one window. I tried using workspaces, but that just confused me more. I've found it's less confusing to have everything in one window. (Integrated interfaces are a big help; I've found multiple windows, cluttered interfaces etc. actually eat brain cycles.)

I, too, am pleased to see that OW is still getting some love from the Omni Group. I've been using OW for years now, and really want to go on using it if possible. With reference to some of the top feature requests, I also use Webnote for bookmarks, and 1Password for logins. These two apps. do supply some of the requested features (e.g. bookmark sorting, tags for bookmarks, multiple logins for one site), and integrate smoothly with OW.

On the accessibility front, thankyou also for OmniOutliner and OmniFocus. As I became progressively more disabled, my concentration and memory got worse. In computer terms, I'm a laptop with a tiny CPU and corrupted memory, running off a battery which only charges to 5%. OmniOutliner helped me collect my information in one place, and create a big/integrated picture once my mind could no longer do that. When I could no longer connect and manage the information in OmniOutliner, I bought OmniFocus, which now manages all my scattered info for me, reminds me to do things and keeps track of my intermittent actions through periods when I can't do them. I know you probably write this software for people who can still work, but it really helps disabled people.

So thanks, and please improve the tab drawer accessibility if possible.

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