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endoftheQ 2010-06-04 05:21 AM

Getting Disillusioned With OmniFocus
I'm sadly getting disillusioned with Omni's apparent lack of development regarding OmniFocus.

In the last few days, I've learnt that the reason an 18-month old bug hasn't been sorted is that you have to vote for bug fixes. I'm not talking about new feature requests but bug fixes!! It's been my experience that most end-users rarely bother to add a review on the App store let alone email support or vote on bulletin boards.

I evangelised about the App to anyone who would listen when it was first launched, and I know of at least a couple of dozen individuals who subsequently purchased it, but lately I really don't feel comfortable recommending it.

I've been reading through historical threads so I know that I'm not the only one who is concerned by the lack of bug fixes and development. The last upgrade added Perspectives to the iPhone and it's a nice touch (although really only valuable to those with the desktop package) but I'd have preferred that Omni fix the flakey Nearby feature that is worse than useless or sorted out the missing Pick Photo from the camera roll. I had to laugh when a mate called me up recently after purchasing to ask why Landscape Mode is an Experimental Feature!

I have my own feature requests out there, the ability to copy-and-paste from actions, email from within the App to delegate or export actions, import of opml data, multiple contexts, shared project folders, etc. but I accept that there may only be a few of us wanting these things. However, I do feel Omni should really set out to fix what isn't working. On the plus side, I'm always impressed by the prompt responses from the Ninjas and in awe of the generosity of members who take the time and trouble to help others out (take a bow, whpalmer4!).

I guess I believe an App such this with premium pricing needs not only compelling features to justify itself but regular updates to fix known problems. When it was first launched I had great faith, having read many of the suggestions on this board and Omni's responses, that within a few releases it would be the platinum-standard for GTD.

I also recognise that until Apple allows App upgrades via in-App purchase that it must be difficult for companies such as Omni to commit to updating Apps without the ability to generate a continuing revenue stream.

However, in the interim, unless they are willing to fix the bugs and develop the product then how will it survive?

CatOne 2010-06-04 06:36 AM

All software has bugs. Omni does a pretty good job of fixing bugs that are serious and affect a number of people. You don't mention your "bug" so it could be something obscure that is your pet bug that's not affecting many people, or others don't care about.

Omni has limited resources, and as such, it's possible that obscure, small bugs don't get fixed for quite a while. Such is life.

Aside: I only read the first couple sentences of your post because you really need to use a little punctuation.

endoftheQ 2010-06-04 06:54 AM

[QUOTE=CatOne;78091]All software has bugs. Omni does a pretty good job of fixing bugs that are serious and affect a number of people. You don't mention your "bug" so it could be something obscure that is your pet bug that's not affecting many people, or others don't care about.

Omni has limited resources, and as such, it's possible that obscure, small bugs don't get fixed for quite a while. Such is life.

Aside: I only read the first couple sentences of your post because you really need to use a little punctuation.[/QUOTE]

Hi CatOne
As you didn't read all of my original posting, I appreciate you didn't understand what bugs I was talking about. I don't think that they are "obscure, small bugs" and having checked out other threads, I note a lot of people agree with me about the missing "Pick Photo" button (it appears on the iPod Touch, not on the iPhone) and the useless Nearby feature. Re: your "Aside" do you mean paragraphs, rather than punctuation? If so, thanks for the tip, I'm more than happy to edit it.

Greg Jones 2010-06-04 07:33 AM

What is 'useless' about the Nearby feature? Is it buggy or not designed as you would expect it to be? They way I have set up location contexts, I find 'Nearby' to be quite useful.

endoftheQ 2010-06-04 07:57 AM

[QUOTE=Greg Jones;78097]What is 'useless' about the Nearby feature? Is it buggy or not designed as you would expect it to be? They way I have set up location contexts, I find 'Nearby' to be quite useful.[/QUOTE]

Hey Greg.

I've found several threads that discuss this, but to give you just one example of mine: If you search [B]"Abc store"[/B] it finds you the nearest Abc store. If you search [B]"Xyz store"[/B] it finds you the nearest Xyz store. But if you search [B]"Abc store" OR "Xyz store"[/B] it finds neither.

This bug isn't even consistent! I've entered an identical location context search to the one above with different companies and it displays on the map the first named store in the equation criteria although the second named store is much closer.

I hope I've made sense, if not please accept my apologies!

endoftheQ 2010-06-04 09:27 AM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;78105]You can attach images to your task notes in the iPhone app, either by taking a picture (using the built-in button) or by copying and pasting them from another app. To copy an existing image from your photo library, go to the Photos app to find the image, touch-and-hold on that image and select Copy. (You can also use this technique to copy images from other apps which support this functionality, such as Mail and Safari.)

Now open OmniFocus, and open an action (or create a new one) and scroll down to Attachments. Touch and hold on the word "Attachments", then select Paste. Your image will now be attached to your task.

Hope this helps![/QUOTE]

Nice...!!! If only someone had bothered to tell us this 18-months ago...!!!

CatOne 2010-06-04 09:39 AM

[QUOTE=endoftheQ;78107]Nice...!!! If only someone had bothered to tell us this 18-months ago...!!![/QUOTE]

Cut and paste didn't exist 18 months ago. It was added with iPhone OS 3.0 which was released 11 months ago.

endoftheQ 2010-06-04 09:47 AM

Absolutely right CatZero! 18-months ago was when the discussion started re: the ability to Pick Photo was available on the iPod Touch but not on the iPhone. I'm sure you must be as delighted as we are with the great news that hitting that greyed-out word "Attachments" lets you paste into an action, just wish that for all the months this has been under discussion, someone at Omni had thought to ask Ken, as even the support Ninja's didn't know about it. It would have saved an awful lot of angst huh? It's good to see that a bit of "hard" discussion can yield such fantastic results.

Ken Case 2010-06-04 10:57 AM

[QUOTE=endoftheQ;78100]I've found several threads that discuss this, but to give you just one example of mine: If you search [B]"Abc store"[/B] it finds you the nearest Abc store. If you search [B]"Xyz store"[/B] it finds you the nearest Xyz store. But if you search [B]"Abc store" OR "Xyz store"[/B] it finds neither.

This bug isn't even consistent! I've entered an identical location context search to the one above with different companies and it displays on the map the first named store in the equation criteria although the second named store is much closer.[/QUOTE]

It sounds like this is an issue with Google Maps, not OmniFocus: OmniFocus doesn't try to understand what you've entered, it simply sends the business search along to Google's API and returns whatever result it gets back.

endoftheQ 2010-06-04 11:35 AM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;78115]It sounds like this is an issue with Google Maps, not OmniFocus: OmniFocus doesn't try to understand what you've entered, it simply sends the business search along to Google's API and returns whatever result it gets back.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the response Ken but if I enter the search [B]"Abc store" OR "Xyz store"[/B] in GoogleMaps it displays both. I'm wondering is it because the stores I'm entering are physically opposite each other and OmniFocus, in trying to return only the closest one, omits both? Just a thought from a non-techie!

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