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dp1 2010-07-14 02:08 PM

Finding all actions on a specific date or in a date range
I'm a bit new, so please bear with me. I'm trying to decide whether to commit to an activity on 08/02/2010. I can see in iCal that I have no conflicts in terms of appointments. But it's possible that I've got a long list of actions due on that date. I can group by Due and sort by Due and scroll the list, but it would be simpler just to search on "08/02/2010" and be presented with a list of actions due on that day. Is this possible?

whpalmer4 2010-07-14 02:17 PM

No, not generally possible in OmniFocus for an arbitrary date. But to some degree that wouldn't really give you a good answer anyhow, because you need to look at the surrounding dates' workload, too. If you have a big tax return marked as due April 15 (and not likely to all be done in one day), looking at your calendar for April 14 and OmniFocus and not seeing anything due April 14, would you be making a good choice agreeing to take on a substantial commitment that day? While I agree it would be nice to be able to filter for items that matched a specific date or date range, just like you can search for items containing a specific string, using it for this purpose seems potentially hazardous!

If you do want to do a search right now, you can use File->Export to toss your database into a spreadsheet and search it there.

Brian 2010-07-14 05:45 PM

I'm pretty sure we have a feature request open on the ability to search on dates - email the [EMAIL=""]support ninjas[/EMAIL] and we can add a vote on your behalf.

dp1 2010-07-14 06:31 PM

I'll do that. Thanks for the replies.

RobTrew 2010-08-08 01:39 AM

[QUOTE=dp1;80205]I can group by Due and sort by Due and scroll the list, but it would be simpler just to search on "08/02/2010" and be presented with a list of actions due on that day. Is this possible?[/QUOTE]

Using [URL=""]Where in OmniFocus[/URL] (which needs OF 1.8) you can list actions due in a specific period by saving and reusing a custom search like:
[INDENT][I]tasks where (due date ≥ <dte1>) and (due date ≤ <dte2>)[/I][/INDENT]
(The user is prompted for the values of the <dte> placeholders, which can be specified either as absolute dates, or as relative dates like 'today + 5 * days' or 'today + 2 * weeks')

(Both the filled and the template version of the search are automatically saved in the Most Recently Used searches list, for quick re-use)


macula 2010-12-17 07:43 AM

I am hooked on your "Where in OmniFocus" script. Terrific work, and an essential complement to the application. May I ask whether it would be possible to:

1. Search for tasks/projects by [U]start[/U] date, and
2. Search for tasks/projects by start/end [U]time[/U]?

Thank you.

RobTrew 2010-12-17 08:40 AM

[QUOTE=macula;90585]May I ask whether it would be possible to:

1. Search for tasks/projects by [U]start[/U] date, and
2. Search for tasks/projects by start/end [U]time[/U]?

One can certainly do searches like:[INDENT][I]tasks where (start date ≥ <dte1>) and (start date ≤ <dte2>)[/I][/INDENT]
optionally including a time specification with the date, (the details of the time format will vary according to your regional system settings, but running the simple script:

[CODE]set str to (current date) as string

display dialog str

set the clipboard to str[/CODE]

in the applescript editor should give you an idea of the default format).

In my locale I can, for instance run the search:
[INDENT][I]tasks where start date < date "12/12/2010 17:00"[/I][/INDENT]or [INDENT][I]tasks where start date < <dte>[/I][/INDENT]
and then respond to the prompt with:
[INDENT][I]12/12/2010 17:00[/I][/INDENT]


skillet 2012-03-09 03:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Is it possible to have an AppleScript that runs "Where in OmniFocus" and shows actions that are unflagged and not due?

I know I can sort by due and then just skip over all the due actions. I really need to view actions by context to quickly fly through actions. That way I can more easily find actions/tasks that should be marked as due that I have somehow missed.

I guess this is not possible right?

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