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ekhall 2010-07-31 10:54 AM

iPad vs. iPhone auto-cleaning mayhem
Hi everyone. Really like the new iPad version.

I just spent about 90 minutes trying to sort out why my InBox items got randomly moved from the InBox to Miscellaneous. I found the culprit was the iPhone version. After not finding a way to get this to stop, I uninstalled the iPhone version, then reinstalled. It still does this.

Came across a post on a message board stating that, unlike the desktop version, the iphone auto-cleans and dumps the inbox into the Misc folder.

I _like_ the new iPad InBox button/button. I like keeping things there. From the amount of screen real estate the inbox button takes up, I think you guys like that idea too. Why is there such a discrepancy in the actions of the three software products? Why can't I turn off the auto-clean feature in the iPhone version?

whpalmer4 2010-07-31 10:59 AM

On the Mac, go to the preferences, set the "Clean Up Inbox items which have:" to Both a Project and a Context, sync your devices, and things should stay put in your Inbox until you've assigned both, at which point you presumably won't mind if it cleans them up.

ekhall 2010-07-31 11:07 AM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;82050]On the Mac, go to the preferences, set the "Clean Up Inbox items which have:" to Both a Project and a Context, sync your devices, and things should stay put in your Inbox until you've assigned both, at which point you presumably won't mind if it cleans them up.[/QUOTE]

Wow - I feel enormously dumb. Thank you. I hadn't even thought the iPhone version would take behavior settings from the desktop version. Thank you! :)

whpalmer4 2010-07-31 11:19 AM

Other settings synced over that come to mind:

default project for single actions (default is Miscellaneous, as you've discovered!)
default parallel/sequential project setting
default setting of project auto-completion
default due time
definition of due soon
context mode perspectives

Pretty much everything on the Data preferences page that the iPod or iPad might need to know.

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