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BwanaZulia 2006-09-29 01:57 AM

Very excited & Suggestions
It has been such a roller coaster ride from the first time I read GTD (the book), to finding Kinkless to now waiting for OmniFocus.

As a long long long time OmniFan I have added some of my suggestions to the blog but will put more here.

- If you can't tell from the million blog posts, make sure it syncs. Syncs to iCal and syncs to the new Mail in OSX 10.5. Syncing is key. Automatic if at all possible.

- Keep the history. Past things that are past but can be looked at.

- Make sure it stays true to GTD, I am sure this is the thing we have to worry about least.

- Easy entry. If that is through Quicksilver or whatever, getting your ideas in easily is very important. Even better if you can bring it in from Mail or other places. This also means easy keyboard navigation.

- Backups.

- Smart searches. Combine the power of "smart" everything in OSX with the GTD system of contexts, projects etc.

- Statistics. How many todos, projects were completed. Per month. Day.
Year. All sorts of fun.

- A way to limit what gets sync’d to ical. I don’t need 300 todos with me
at all times. Maybe a setting to sync the first X number of todos from a
project to iCal.

- Easier deleting of projects, calendars, contexts. Seems to get quirky.

- Way to look at just one project at a time. The big list can be a lot and
in GTD taking in small amount is better. Focus.

- Better handling of Maybe/Someday. I feel like they shouldn’t show up on
the project lists. Maybe a preference.

- Easy sycning between multiple computers (Like OmniWeb bookmarks)


Owen 2006-10-04 07:56 PM

Another Suggestion - Printing & Exporting Options
Having the ability and flexibility to print out one's OmniFocus data in several forms and sizes would be nice.

I have been using a utility that adds a lot of flexibility to printing anything. It is called Clickbook. [url][/url] At $50 it is quite expensive, but it has allowed me to miniaturize and print my 30 pages of kGTD data double sided in my Circa Notebook. Hard copy is the ultimate in reliable backup systems.

Export to HTML for uploading one's date to the web would be handy too.

bigdaddyj18 2006-11-06 09:39 PM

more suggestions
Please make the new omnifocus or omnifu if you prefer have the ability to connect to most pdas i.e. palm blackberry and pocket pcs or what ever it is called. In addition could you please make sure that the notes for our next actions i.e. call jon could also transfer to our p.d.a. i use entourage know and that is one of my pet peaves that my notes don't transfer to my windows based p.d.a

tragicallyhip@ 2006-11-07 09:11 AM

just a couple of features/requirements
I concur with several of the posts in these forums for suggestions. There are a couple that are critical to me:

1) Sync with Palm. Ideally, this would be through an actual Palm app, as opposed to Palm Tasks.

2) Hierarchical Lists. This is one of the best features of OmniOutliner.

But neither of these works for me independent of the other. Sync'ing the flat task list from iCal to Palm is really useless to me without the organizing capability of hierarchical outlines, which are no good to me without ability to take on the go with my Treo.

I'm using LifeBalance to meet these two needs, but would quickly give it up for an OmniApp.


FloatingBones 2006-11-30 07:45 AM

- Backups.

- Smart searches. Combine the power of "smart" everything in OSX with the GTD system of contexts, projects etc.

- Statistics. How many todos, projects were completed. Per month. Day.
Year. All sorts of fun.

- A way to limit what gets sync’d to ical. I don’t need 300 todos with me
at all times. Maybe a setting to sync the first X number of todos from a
project to iCal.

Great comments about statistics and limiting the syncs.

WRT "smart" everything, I would prefer that OmniFocus uses the features of Leopard's Time Machine to do its backup and restore.

The brief movie about Time Machine in the Leopard preview indicates that there can be a fine granularity for the things that are backed up and restored.


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