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RobTrew 2010-09-12 08:21 AM

A 'one-click Search ALL' toolbar item
A draft of a toolbar item (can be used in the toolbar's text-only mode, with the search bar hidden, though the bar must have been installed) which:

[IMG][/IMG][LIST=1][*]Immediately clears any existing search string and offers a dialog inviting you to type a new search string.[*]Defaults to searching within all remaining projects and tasks,[*]but includes a secondary button on the dialog for including *everything* in the search (inc. dropped/completed projects and completed items).[*]Automatically clears any focus, in the results window, and clears filters back to "Remaining", or "All", and selects the Inbox and Library trees in the Sidebar, before setting the search string.[/LIST]
Ver 1.0 now accepts [URL=""]string parameters[/URL] from LaunchBar, and understands the following switches after the search string, which can be used to override default search scope and default script behavior:

--a (Search ALL)
--r (Search REMAINING)
--nw (Display results in NEW WINDOW)
--ew (Display results in EXISTING WINDOW)

These switches can be combined, but should be separated by spaces, eg.
<search string> --ew r
<search string> --a nw

(The switches can also be used in the applescript search dialog, and will override the search scope button choice).

Code below:

[CODE]--Ver 1.1
-- Scripts launched from Toolbar can not use System Events to Make toolbar visible or enable toolbar icon mode
-- so we just use a dialog box to get the string

-- First makes everything visible and selects the Library and Inbox, then offers a search dialog, with most recent

-- Ver 0.6 -- Creates a new window on each run (can be disabled)
-- Ver 0.7 -- Corrected automatic clearing of filters
-- Ver 0.8 -- Search string can be passed as a parameter from LAUNCHBAR
-- -- Default scope can be reset to ALL by changing pblnDefaultRemaining property (below) to false
-- Ver 0.9 -- Switches for New Window --nw or Existing window --ew (to override the default set in pblnNewWin - below)
-- Ver 1.0 -- Scope switches for Remaining --r or All --a (override the default set in pblnDefaultRemaining - below)
-- Ver 1.1 Two edits suggested by WhPalmer4 to avoid "oWin" bug

property pTitle : "One-Click Search All - Ver 1.1"
property pblnNewWin : true
property pblnDefaultRemaining : true

--property pvarPerspective : missing value
property pstrDefaultViewMode : "project"
property plstDefaultFocus : {}
property plstDefaultFilters : {"remaining", "none", "none", "incomplete", "all", "any"}

property pAll : "Search ALL"
property pRemaining : "Search REMAINING"

-- SWITCHES for LAUNCHBAR parameter strings and applescript dialog text field
-- 1. SEARCH SCOPE: determined by pblnDefaultRemaining above but can be overridden by adding a switch
-- after the search string: --a (for ALL) or --r (for REMAINING)
-- (note that this overrides the All/Remaining button choice in the Applescript dialog)
-- 2. WINDOW: The default for whether the search is shown in a new window (pblnNewWin above) can be
-- overridden by --nw (for New Window) or --ew (for Existing Window)
-- 3. Window & search scope switches can be combined, but must be separated by a space
-- -- e.g. <search string> --a nw OR <search string> --ew r

on handle_string(strTerm)
if pblnDefaultRemaining then
set strScope to pRemaining
set strScope to pAll
end if

set blnNewWin to pblnNewWin

set text item delimiters to "--"
set lstParts to text items of strTerm
set text item delimiters to space
set blnSwitch to false
if length of lstParts = 2 then
set lstSwitches to text items of item 2 of lstParts
if "a" is in lstSwitches then
set strScope to pAll
set blnSwitch to true
else if "r" is in lstSwitches then
set strScope to pRemaining
set blnSwitch to true
end if
if "nw" is in lstSwitches then
set blnNewWin to true
set blnSwitch to true
else if "ew" is in lstSwitches then
set blnNewWin to false
set blnSwitch to true
end if
end if

-- failing a switch, set the search scope from the value of the default property (above)
if blnSwitch then set strTerm to Trim(first item of lstParts)
tell application id "com.omnigroup.omnifocus"
set oDoc to front document
my FindTerm(oDoc, blnNewWin, strTerm, strScope)
end tell
end handle_string

on run {}
tell application id "com.omnigroup.omnifocus"
set oDoc to default document
if (count of document windows of oDoc) < 1 then
tell oDoc
set oWin to make new document window
end tell
set oWin to front document window of oDoc
end if
if oWin is missing value then set oWin to front document window of oDoc
set visible of oWin to true

tell oWin
set blnSearchBar to false
repeat with iTick from 1 to 5
set strTerm to search term
set blnSearchBar to true
end try
if blnSearchBar then
if not pblnNewWin then set search term to ""
exit repeat
delay 0.2
end if
end repeat

if not blnSearchBar then
display dialog "Use View > Customize Toolbar to drag search bar onto toolbar" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with title pTitle
end if

if pblnDefaultRemaining then
set lstButtons to {"Esc", pAll, pRemaining}
set strDefault to pRemaining
set lstButtons to {"Esc", pRemaining, pAll}
set strDefault to pAll
end if
set varResponse to display dialog "Search:" default answer strTerm buttons lstButtons cancel button "Esc" default button strDefault with title pTitle
on error
end try

if varResponse is not false then
set strTerm to text returned of varResponse
if strTerm is not "" then
set strScope to button returned of varResponse
set blnDefaultRemaining to strScope is pRemaining
if blnDefaultRemaining is not pblnDefaultRemaining then
if blnDefaultRemaining then
set strSwitch to "r"
set strSwitch to "a"
end if
if strTerm contains "--" then
strTerm to strTerm & space & strSwitch
set strTerm to strTerm & "--" & strSwitch
end if
end if
my handle_string(strTerm)
end if
end if
end tell
end tell
end run

on FindTerm(oDoc, blnNewWin, strTerm, strScope)
tell application id "com.omnigroup.omnifocus"
-- Either Clear the current window for a full search, or create and clear a new window
if blnNewWin then
tell oDoc
set winSearch to make new document window
end tell
set winSearch to front document window of oDoc
if visible of winSearch is false then
set visible of winSearch to true
set winSearch to front document window of oDoc
end if
end if
tell winSearch
if selected view mode identifier is not pstrDefaultViewMode then ¬
set its selected view mode identifier to pstrDefaultViewMode

if my IsNarrowed(focus) then set focus to {}

if strScope is pAll then
my SetFilters(winSearch, {"", "-", "-", "", "", ""}, (pstrDefaultViewMode = "context"), "")
my SetFilters(winSearch, {"remaining", "-", "-", "incomplete", "", ""}, (pstrDefaultViewMode = "context"), "")
end if

tell sidebar
select tree 1
select tree 2 with extending
end tell
set search term to strTerm
on error
display dialog "Use View > Customize Toolbar to drag search field onto toolbar, and try again." buttons {"OK"} ¬
default button "OK" with title "No search field on OmniFocus toolbar"
end try
end tell
end tell
end FindTerm

on SetFilters(oWin, {strSmartGroup, strGrouping, strSorting, strState, strFlagged, strDurn}, blnContextView, strComment)
if blnContextView then
set strClass to "-contexts"
set strClass to "-projects"
end if
tell application id "com.omnigroup.omnifocus"
tell oWin
if strSmartGroup is not "" then
if strSmartGroup is not "-" then if selected smart group identifier of sidebar is not strSmartGroup then ¬
set selected smart group identifier of sidebar to strSmartGroup & strClass
set selected smart group identifier of sidebar to "all" & strClass
end if
tell content
if strGrouping is not "" then
if strGrouping is not "-" then if selected grouping identifier is not strGrouping then ¬
set selected grouping identifier to strGrouping
set selected grouping identifier to "none"
end if
on error
my CheckIdentifier("grouping", strGrouping, strComment)
end try

if strSorting is not "" then
if strSorting is not "-" then if selected sorting identifier is not strSorting then ¬
set selected sorting identifier to strSorting
if blnContextView then
set selected sorting identifier to "context"
set selected sorting identifier to "none"
end if
end if
on error
my CheckIdentifier("sorting", strSorting, strComment)
end try

if strState is not "" then
if strState is not "-" then if selected task state filter identifier is not strState then ¬
set selected task state filter identifier to strState
set selected task state filter identifier to "all"
end if
on error
my CheckIdentifier("task state filter", strState, strComment)
end try

if strFlagged is not "" then
if strFlagged is not "-" then if selected task flagged filter identifier is not strFlagged then ¬
set selected task flagged filter identifier to strFlagged
set selected task flagged filter identifier to "all"
end if
on error
my CheckIdentifier("task flagged filter", strFlagged, strComment)
end try

if strDurn is not "" then
if strDurn is not "-" then if selected task duration filter identifier is not strDurn then ¬
set selected task duration filter identifier to strDurn
set selected task duration filter identifier to "any"
end if
on error
my CheckIdentifier("task duration filter", strDurn, strComment)
end try
end tell
end tell
end tell
end SetFilters

on CheckIdentifier(strIdentifier, strSetting, strComments)
display dialog "Unknown " & strIdentifier & " identifier: " & return & return & quote & strSetting & quote & ¬
return & return & "Correct and try again." buttons {"OK"}
end CheckIdentifier

on GetFilters(oWin)
tell application "OmniFocus"
set strSmartGroup to selected smart group identifier of sidebar of oWin
set my text item delimiters to "-"
set lstParts to text items of strSmartGroup
set strSmartGroup to (items 1 thru ((length of lstParts) - 1) of lstParts) as string
set my text item delimiters to space
tell content of oWin
{strSmartGroup, ¬
selected grouping identifier, selected sorting identifier, ¬
selected task state filter identifier, selected task flagged filter identifier, ¬
selected task duration filter identifier}
end tell
end tell
end GetFilters

on IsNarrowed(oFocus)
repeat with oObj in oFocus
return true
end repeat
return false
end IsNarrowed

on Trim(strText)
set lngChars to length of strText
if lngChars is 0 then return ""
set lstWhite to {space, tab, return, ASCII character 10, ASCII character 0}

repeat with iChar from 1 to lngChars
if character iChar of strText is not in lstWhite then exit repeat
end repeat
set strText to text iChar thru lngChars of strText

repeat with iChar from length of strText to 1 by -1
if character iChar of strText is not in lstWhite then exit repeat
end repeat
set strText to text 1 thru iChar of strText

set text item delimiters to "
set lstParts to text items of strText
set text item delimiters to space
lstParts as text
end Trim


Arild 2010-09-13 02:30 AM

This is a brilliant script, thanks a lot for hat. I have earlier sent feature requests for global searches.

I am not much into scripting myself, but, from what I can see OF should open a new window with the search results? On my installation it does not, anyway (OF 1.8, OS X 10.5.8).

By the way, and completely off topic: I plan to upgrade to Snow Leopard which will be my first operation of the kind on a Mac. As you understand, I have lots of software, personal settings, scripts, etc. that I use. Have you or anyone a link to a good how-to-guide for upgrading - taking this into account?

Any links would be very much appreciated. Sorry for stretching the forum's concept a bit, but you people here seem a lot more savvy than other places I have looked for this...

All the best,


RobTrew 2010-09-13 04:42 AM

[QUOTE=Arild;85517]from what I can see OF should open a new window with the search results?[/QUOTE]

The first draft of the script was not intended to create a new window, but perhaps that would be a good idea.

I have now amended the code displayed in the first post, and made it default to displaying results in a new window.

The second line is:[INDENT][I]property pblnNewWin : true[/I][/INDENT]
which can be edited to [I]false[/I] if you prefer to have the results displayed in the current window.


RobTrew 2010-09-13 11:27 PM

Updated the code to ver 0.7, which corrects the automatic clearing of filters in the results window.

bashosfrog 2010-09-14 08:44 PM

Perfect! Sincere thanks - this hurdles one of OmniFocus's major omissions. I'm indebted to you for this and your OmniFocus-Devonthink interchange scripts.

RobTrew 2010-09-15 12:01 AM

Good! I'm glad it seems useful.

Arild 2010-09-24 01:06 AM

Thank you a lot again, just one question:
When I invoke your script through Launchbar, the latter always crashes. Have you got any idea what it could be? OF seems to behave as expected. I am using OS X 10.5.8 still, though.

Greg Jones 2010-09-24 01:24 AM

I do not have any crashes with LaunchBar when executing this script and I too am still using 10.5.8. You might want to make sure that you are using the latest build of LB. Norbert posts the small fix updates to the [url=]nightly build[/url] page.

Arild 2010-09-24 03:17 AM

[QUOTE=Greg Jones;86104]I do not have any crashes with LaunchBar when executing this script and I too am still using 10.5.8. You might want to make sure that you are using the latest build of LB. Norbert posts the small fix updates to the [url=]nightly build[/url] page.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for that information. I tried it though (found a build 669) but to no avail...

RobTrew 2010-09-24 07:32 AM

I can't reproduce this with OS X 10.6 and Launchbar build 655, but the first thing I would try is to take the code text above (rather than the zip), save it to a fresh .scpt from the Applescript editor, and see whether the freshly compiled script still confuses Launchbar.

(Another issue is, of course, that one can not run this script in the background from LB [opening it with Option - Return] because it uses a dialog).


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