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Leila 2010-09-30 08:49 AM

2 users - 2 computers

My husband and I each have a separate copy of Omnifocus, each on our own computers. There are some of our projects and activities that overlap with each other - so for that reason we like to do some of planning together.

My husband has a desktop and I have a laptop.

Just for convenience, sometimes we'd like to temporarily move my husband's Omnifocus data to my computer because I have portability. Besides that main data file are there any other files that we'd need to temporarily move to my laptop? (Obviously, we realize we'd have to move any files back to his computer after the planning session)

I also assume that when we did this - I'd have to temporarily rename my file(s).


Lucas 2010-09-30 09:10 AM

You'd probably be better off setting up a separate user account on your computer and having him synchronize to it.

Leila 2010-09-30 01:34 PM

Thanks for the tip -- but I'm really hoping to just keep my one user on this computer.

Does anyone else know of what files I'd have to copy? I'm thinking there would just be the data file and possibly one other.


whpalmer4 2010-09-30 01:45 PM

Export a copy of your husband's database with File->Export, choosing file format OmniFocus document, and choosing a filename that will make it readily identifiable. Move that file to your computer. Open OmniFocus on your computer in the usual fashion, then go to the Finder and double-click the file with your husband's data. It will open up as a separate window, with the file name in the title (hence the suggestion about the name). Now you can drag and drop, copy and paste, fold, spindle, and mutilate your respective databases to your heart's content.

After you are done, if you have made changes to his data, close OmniFocus, and copy the file back to his machine. Open OmniFocus on his machine, select File->Restore to Database Backup... and choose the file you've transferred. That should replace his old database with the contents of the new file.

Leila 2010-09-30 02:07 PM

I'm very excited to give this a try. Thank-you SO much!!


Brian 2010-09-30 04:05 PM

Bill beat me to it. :-)

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