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Ward 2006-04-24 08:38 AM

SP5 won't finish crashing
[I knew it was foolish to tempt fate by reporting SP4 was the Rock of Gibraltar. :o ]

For the second time since I started using SP5, ...

1. OmniWeb crashes.
2. CrashCatcher appears, and I fill in my report and send it.
3. OmniWeb remains on-screen, and I have to Force Quit to make it go away.

This time I noticed 100% CPU activity (via Cee Pee You). So I checked Activity Monitor, which showed OmniWeb and kernel_task each using 30-40% of the CPU, with kernel_task consuming 1.1 GB of virtual memory. After force quitting OmniWeb, kernel_task dropped back to its customary 4-7%.

Forrest 2006-04-24 08:50 AM

I had SP5 crash once similarly... well, CC came up and I submitted it. Then went back to using OW for another day.

bethkatz17582 2006-04-24 07:05 PM

I've had sp5 bring down my whole system on launch (the dim curtain came down). Then it got stuck when I switched back from using Firefox, and I had to push the power button to reboot. That's just in the past two hours after I had no problems with sp1 to sp3 and only one crash with sp4. In both of these cases, I've lost the Finder so I haven't been able to check where the activity is.

Did I have to install something to get the CrashCatcher? I haven't seen it in this series of crashes. But I have sent in feedback. I thought I used to get the Crash Catcher.

Ward 2006-05-16 06:42 AM

Still must Force Quit after crash
It's been quite some time since OW 5.5SP crashed. I just had a repeat of the scenario where I had to Force Quit to make OmniWeb go away after submitting a CrashCatcher report.

Len Case 2006-05-16 06:53 PM

We are aware of the problem, but we haven't really narrowed down what causes it and, as you noted, OmniWeb is "unfortunately" very stable for us lately (so sad :D)--internally we've only had 1 crash in 5 days.

Ward 2006-05-16 07:27 PM

Any successful crashes?
Since it's a long time between SP crashes (there I go tempting fate again), I'd be interested in knowing whether anyone has experiencing a successful crash, i.e., the OmniWeb process goes away after submitting (or perish the thought, dismissing) the CrashCatcher window.

Ward 2006-05-27 10:18 PM

SP12 hung around
For the record, I just had my first crash with SP12, and the OmniWeb process hung around after I submitted my CrashCatcher report.

Tom 2006-05-28 09:37 AM

I have had a lot of crashes where there is a lot of CPU activity and OW does not quit after the CC report is sent. I took several Samples after the crashes and sent them in so hopefully Omni can see what is going on.

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