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Charles McKnight 2010-10-19 02:23 PM

Durations / End date/times weirdness
Hi All,

I've got a task that has a single person assigned at 100% of 100% for 3 days. The normal work schedule is 9AM-Noon, 1PM - 6 PM. When I set up the task with the start and end dates using the default daily schedule, Omniplan gives me anywhere from 15 - 45 minutes extra on the duration. When i set the duration to 3 days, it fiddles the end time for the task.

I'm not sure what's going on or why, so any explanations would be appreciated.


whpalmer4 2010-10-19 06:13 PM

It's usually hard to tell exactly what is going on from a verbal description and no idea of the context. I would suggest you use Help->Send Feedback in the app to send a sanitized copy of your document to the support ninjas (tell them the task ID of the offending task, because the text will just be Task 1, Task 2, etc.)

What is your scheduling granularity, and how are you setting the start and end times of this particular task? Have you changed the efficiency of the resource you've assigned?

soitnly 2010-10-21 10:57 AM

Same problem here
I'm also seeing efforts displayed as fractions of days. My tasks start on day one at 8 am and end on day X at 5 (which is what my work calendar considers an entire day: 8-5). However, I end up with efforts that are fractional. I've been able to edit some manually, others seem linked to other fractional tasks and changing one just cascades into the next.

All tasks are set to begin as early as constraints allow. Which, strangely, seems to reset at times to begin on a set date. Different thread.

I can provide more detail. But help would be appreciated.

whpalmer4 2010-10-21 11:03 AM

Again, same suggestion. You can also make an anonymized copy of your document by going through the Help->Send Feedback route and saving a copy of the attachment to your desktop before (or instead of) sending it. Zip it up and attach it to a post here and I'll take a look at it, maybe the support ninjas are backed up right now...

soitnly 2010-10-21 12:20 PM

Help with Send Feedback
I can't find the anonymized file on my system. The Feedback dialog says it's going to have a name consisting of part of my email address and date. Can't find it w/ Searchlight. Any thoughts?

whpalmer4 2010-10-21 01:07 PM

Once you've got the message composed, simply drag the attachment to the desktop.

soitnly 2010-10-21 07:21 PM

No email formatted
I didn't get any formatted email from which to drag/save an attachment. I'm assuming OP uses Mail, but I haven't configured it. Using Outlook. Any other way to generate a gibberish-y doc?


whpalmer4 2010-10-21 08:16 PM

Yeah, it uses Mail. I think if you go through the Mail configuration process it will offer to create you a 60-day free trial MobileMe account, or you could go sign up for a gmail account, or some other free POP or IMAP account. You'll make your experience getting support from Omni much easier if you have at least one account set up in Mail, assuming you aren't willing to send them a straight copy of your document.

If you can't or won't do that, make a copy of your document, then open it in OmniPlan as the only window. Open the Applescript Editor application, and paste in the following code:

tell application "OmniPlan"
repeat with _task in tasks of front document
set name of _task to "Task " & id of _task
set note of _task to "xxx"
end repeat
repeat with _resource in resources of front document
set name of _resource to "Resource " & id of _resource
set note of _resource to "xxx"
end repeat
end tell

Execute the script and your document should be made safe for public consumption, though you should have a look to make sure of that. Save the file, zip it up and attach to a posting or email to [email][/email]. Be sure to identify the spot which is giving you trouble!

soitnly 2010-10-21 08:50 PM

Zipped and delivered!
Thanks for the trick! Yeah, don't want to configure Mail on my work Mac. I've had some Exchange weirdness and don't want to get into issues of whether something is or is not on the server blah blah blah.

File attached. Pretty simple, actually. Nonetheless, take a look at tasks 402 or 246, for example. In fact, anything that isn't rounded to a full day is problematic for me in the way I'm trying to track projects. I've checked the start and end times and they map to the project calendar. I've attempted to delete assignments to resources and/or set all resources to 100% to see if that would undo things -- no luck. Hoping there's some low-level setting I haven't identified. Checked the project-level granularity and that's set for full days.

It's not really a big deal at the level of detail and complexity I'm working at now but I'm trying to build a consistent schedule platform that I can confidently add detail to. At some point (e.g. when Duration and Effort are separated...) these minor differences may begin to add up to problems which is why I'd like to solve them now.

Thanks again for all the help.

whpalmer4 2010-10-21 09:14 PM

Uh, except there's no file attached to your post... maybe you forgot to click the Upload File button after selecting it?

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