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jessedarko 2010-11-05 05:27 PM

How to hide folders per time of day?
I am very new to Omnifocus (just switched over from Things last night, actually). I spent all day watching Screencasts, reading the forums, browsing online and – yes – actually using with Omnifocus.

One thing I can't seem to figure out that would be very useful though is the ability to some how set it up so that all my work related actions/projects/contexts only appeared between the hours of 9 - 5, Monday - Friday. I'd like this ability on a number of things.

Am I overlooking something?

CatOne 2010-11-05 07:32 PM

Look into Perspectives. You could do this with a perspective. You would need to switch perspectives from "daytime" to "other time" but it would work fine for this.

whpalmer4 2010-11-05 07:39 PM

Put your work-related tasks in a folder called Work. When at work, right-click on the Work folder and select Focus. Now you will only see actions and projects from that folder.

jessedarko 2010-11-05 08:30 PM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;88546]Put your work-related tasks in a folder called Work. When at work, right-click on the Work folder and select Focus. Now you will only see actions and projects from that folder.[/QUOTE]

This is more along the lines of what I was looking for. I know about perspectives and all that.

I only wish it was literally automated, but setting projects to focus is a fine alternative.

I just hate seeing work related stuff on the weekends.

I just set up the "Home" perspective as everything that is not work "Focused" upon and vice versa for the office.

Omnifocus is really proving its worth to me already. It's way more fully featured than Things.

whpalmer4 2010-11-05 09:23 PM

Well, you can do this with a perspective, some baling wire, and a bit of chewing gum.

You would focus on the desired folder, then create a perspective, making sure to check the Restore: Focus box. Name the perspective something imaginative like "Work perspective".

Next, you'll use the Applescript Editor to make a simple Applescript like this:

tell application id "com.omnigroup.omnifocus"
set oDoc to front document
set oWin to front document window of oDoc
set perspective name of oWin to "Work perspective"
end tell

(for appropriate values of "Work perspective", of course). Save it as a compiled .scpt file.

Finally, in iCal, create a repeating event at the time you want that perspective applied. Set the alarm to run the script you created. Every Monday morning at 8AM, if you set it that way, OmniFocus will launch (if not already running) and the front window will change to the perspective you specified in the script that was run as an iCal alarm.

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