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santra 2011-01-11 01:46 AM

How to copy color from one bar to another?
Is there no easy way to do this, besides going to the HSB or RGB panels, writing down the numbers, going to the bar you want to change color to match original, and punch in the numbers?

Also: Omni, why did you make the bars on the sample Books bar chart non-standard? That blue color is NONE of the stock "blues" in any of the groups offered in the inspector. It just makes it more confusing not to see a check mark in any of the Inspector colors when the bar is selecting and have to eventually (finally) figure out that it's a non-standard color not listed in any of the palette.

dave_m 2011-01-11 06:40 AM

Sorry about this, Sandy.

I think you're having a problem that's unique to trying to match/extend one of the sample graphs -- if you had actually set a "non-standard" color for an object, that color would be added as a custom swatch to the inspector popovers - in fact, if you use the color sliders for one of these bars to change the opacity to something other than 100%, then set it back to 100%, the same thing will happen.

We could do a better job about adding those custom swatches as necessary when a file is opened, though. I'll add a note to the development database.

santra 2011-01-11 08:36 AM

So the custom swatches are shown in the third row of the Point Style Inspector? I kept looking for them in a separate category on the Point Style menu. I tried your trick 3x before I figured it out.

So now I have 4x the same style blue in the custom swatches on the Point Style Inspector. Any way to edit this row? And this third row of the Point Style Inspector isn't really a list of "custom" swatches, because one of them is a NON-custom color: to wit, the 3rd color listed under Hokusai (a brown).

But I think I get the idea: every time you create a custom swatch, it gets added to that third row of the Point Style Inspector. Looks like there's only storage enough for 7 custom styles, though. So if you used the sample graph, created 7 new custom swatches, the blue would fall off the custom swatch row and you'd have to use that opacity trick to get it back onto the custom swatch row; but by then you'd have lost another custom swatch.

Seems like a better design would be to allow that third row on the Point Style Inspector to hold "recently used swatches" (since that's what it does—it displays custom as well as NON-custom swatches, i.e. ones listed under Hosaki, Omni, etc. groups in the deeper menu), and THEN add a section somewhere in the larger Point Style Inspector called "Custom" where newly created custom swatches would reside, maybe at the bottom after Raphael, Rothko, Tufte, and Warhol.

[QUOTE=dave_m;91517]Sorry about this, Sandy.

I think you're having a problem that's unique to trying to match/extend one of the sample graphs -- if you had actually set a "non-standard" color for an object, that color would be added as a custom swatch to the inspector popovers - in fact, if you use the color sliders for one of these bars to change the opacity to something other than 100%, then set it back to 100%, the same thing will happen.

We could do a better job about adding those custom swatches as necessary when a file is opened, though. I'll add a note to the development database.[/QUOTE]

dave_m 2011-01-12 03:40 PM

Thanks for the feedback on the color picker - I'll add it to the development database.

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