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makronym 2011-01-30 02:33 AM

Change row to column?

I have a simple OO-document with just level 1 and level 2 rows. Now I decided that the level 2 rows would work better as columns. What is the easiest way to make that change?

Just to visualize, this is what I have now:

- Some sample
- text to
- show what
- I want

And this is the desired outcome:

- Some sample text to
- show what I want

RobTrew 2011-01-30 08:36 AM

- Some sample
- text to
- show what
- I want

And this is the desired outcome:

- Some sample text to
- show what I want

I would probably back up carefully, place a good copy out of reach, open a working copy of the document, and run this script.

[CODE]tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniOutlinerPro3"
tell front document
set oCol to make new column with properties {type:rich text, name:"Moved Children"}
set strColID to id of oCol
set refParents to a reference to (rows where level = 1)
repeat with i from 1 to count of refParents
tell item i of refParents
set oChild to first child
set value of cell id strColID to topic of oChild
delete oChild
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end tell

whpalmer4 2011-01-30 09:31 AM

A word of caution: Rob's script only moves the first level 2 row under each parent and leaves any others behind. Also, if you had any rows indented under one of your level 2 rows, they will be silently dropped from the outline.

makronym 2011-01-30 03:07 PM

Thanks a lot, that worked just fine. I can live with the constraints, my document was really that simple.

(Note to self: learn that Apple script thing, it seems essential)

whpalmer4 2011-01-30 04:23 PM

[QUOTE=makronym;92501]Thanks a lot, that worked just fine. I can live with the constraints, my document was really that simple.

(Note to self: learn that Apple script thing, it seems essential)[/QUOTE]
It is, especially with Omni applications, which have extensive Applescript support.

First assignment: figure out how to change the script so it handles two or more child rows :-)

RobTrew 2011-01-31 02:50 AM

[QUOTE=makronym;92501]my document was really that simple[/QUOTE]

I'm glad that worked with your data - WhPalmer4's point is a very good one - better to code defensively than to rely on backups.

To skip any rows with more than one child, or with any grandchildren, we could have written something like:

[CODE]tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniOutlinerPro3"
if (count of documents) < 1 then return
tell front document
set oCol to make new column with properties {type:rich text, name:"Moved Children"}
set strColID to id of oCol
set lstParents to (rows where (level = 1) and (has subtopics = true))
repeat with oParent in lstParents
if (count of children of oParent) < 2 then
tell oParent
set oChild to first child
if has subtopics of oChild = false then
set value of cell id strColID to topic of oChild
delete oChild
end if
end tell
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell

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