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Target1 2006-10-31 12:49 PM

Row Numbering starting point

Not sure if this has a simple answer, but I could not find it in a search. I'm a little odd, and would like to start the row numbering for one of my documents at 0, rather than 1.

A related question is that often, because I'm outlining law notes out of a book where we skip sections I'd like to be able to start numbering, and after say 1 through 5 skip to 8 and then go on to 15. Is there any way to do this without having to name them individually?

I reason that I am far more likely to get a positive answer on the first question.


DerekM 2006-11-01 12:29 PM

Hi Mark-

Unfortunately neither of these are possible currently. We do plan to address this with OO4 however.

Thanks for asking.

Derek M.
Support Ninja
The Omni Group

talazem 2006-11-09 02:34 AM

I'd just like to stress the need for this (just in case "votes" count). When outlining a book that has a preface, introduction, then the main chapters which start with Latin Numeral "I", I need to be able to leave the first two rows empty of numbering. Quite essential, really, to using an outliner for traditional readings and note-taking.

Thanks, looking forward to 4.0.

fifteen 2010-06-22 05:40 AM

I was looking for the same feature. Could someone let me know if this is present in 3.6 or 4?

SunByrne 2011-08-08 11:22 AM

I know this thread hasn't been posted to in a while, but I'd like to add my voice to this as well. In particular, I'd really like to be able to start a numbered list start at 0.

I know this was answered as something for OO4, but that was promised back in 2006, and I know things can change in 4 years' time (for example, in 2006, I don't think an iPad version was under consideration).

So, my question: Is this still on the table for OO4? And, uhh, when do you think that'll be, roughly speaking?

Brian 2011-08-08 03:53 PM

Feature request is still on the books - I'll add a link to this thread to the item our development database so the team knows there are some requests here.

Work on OmniOutliner 4 continues, but we don't have an ETA yet - our preferred approach is to get things to folks as quickly as we can manage, but we try to avoid letting calendar dates drive the quality of the work. In our experience, lettingg the latter drive the former works out better in the long run. ;-)

Machineman 2012-05-23 02:37 AM

Am in desperate need of this feature!

Am I reading correctly that OO4 was talked about back in 2006 and STILL isn't out??

whpalmer4 2012-05-23 05:03 AM

[QUOTE=Machineman;110665]Am in desperate need of this feature!
Perhaps if you explain what you are trying to do, someone might be able to suggest an alternative approach...
Am I reading correctly that OO4 was talked about back in 2006 and STILL isn't out??[/QUOTE]
Yes. They wasted their time building OmniPlan, OmniFocus, iPad versions of 5 apps and an iPhone version of one. What were they thinking? :-)

Machineman 2012-05-23 04:00 PM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;110677]Perhaps if you explain what you are trying to do, someone might be able to suggest an alternative approach...

Yes. They wasted their time building OmniPlan, OmniFocus, iPad versions of 5 apps and an iPhone version of one. What were they thinking? :-)[/QUOTE]

I'm simply wanting to change the starting count to 0 instead of 1, as the OP was.

6 years for a software product pipeline - especially in this day and age - is far too long.

whpalmer4 2012-05-23 05:21 PM

[QUOTE=Machineman;110695]I'm simply wanting to change the starting count to 0 instead of 1, as the OP was.
So what are you doing that requires 0-based numbering, and doesn't work with 1-based numbering? "But I wanna" is certainly a reason, though no one appears to think it is a good enough reason to have made the changes for you.
6 years for a software product pipeline - especially in this day and age - is far too long.[/QUOTE]
It's not too long if they had more lucrative opportunities to deploy their resources elsewhere. You're also making the flawed assumption that they haven't done anything with OmniOutliner in that period. Reading the release notes will show that this is not true by any stretch of the imagination. Given that you have to shell out more money for a major release, but minor releases are free, I appreciate their willingness to do extended development on each major release, and so do most customers, I suspect.

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