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teobaldo 2011-02-20 06:31 AM

At some point my script needs to know whether the task it is dealing with is contained directly by its project, or in a task group.
I figured it out but it doesn't look very convincing. Is there a better way?
Here's my code:[CODE]if id of container of thisTask ≠ id of containing project of thisTask then
-- it's in a task group
-- do the appropiate thing
--do the other thing
end if[/CODE]

RobTrew 2011-02-20 10:42 AM

I might use some variant of

[I]parent task is root task of containing project[/I]

[CODE]tell application id "com.omnigroup.omnifocus"
tell content of front document window of front document
set lstTasks to value of selected trees
set oTask to first item of lstTasks
tell oTask
set blnIsInGroup to (parent task is not root task of containing project)
end tell
end tell
end tell[/CODE]

RobTrew 2011-02-20 11:01 AM

or, of course:

[CODE]set blnInGroup to (container is not root task of containing project)[/CODE]

but I notice that the execution speed of your approach:

[CODE]set blnInGroup to (id of container ≠ id of containing project)[/CODE]

is fractionally faster ...


teobaldo 2011-02-20 12:15 PM

Oh, great.
I picked the 'best' solution... :grin:
Not that it is [U]that[/U] great.
Would be easier with a 'task group' class.

teobaldo 2011-02-21 11:26 AM

To expand task groups during import
I needed this in order to work around the absence of a 'task group' class.
When [URL=""]importing[/URL], projects are created in expanded state, but task groups are not. They can't be, because they only become task groups after a child is created (obvious when you have experienced the mess which results when ignoring this).

The script now checks in what type of container a list of tasks will be created.
If it's a task, the script expands the new task group after the first child is created.
Now it can also paste the childrens' notes, which is the purpose of the exercise.
(I use UI scripting because my notes have a lot of formatting, which I do not want to loose).

Earlier I was trying to do this in the routine which creates the tasks, but after some reshuffling the solution became somewhat simpler.
Here is the routine that processes the task list:[CODE]-- Recursively create tasks in current project
-- Flag condition where parent is a task
-- parameters: list of tasks in Mori
-- OmniFocus item in which to create tasks from entryList
-- (a project on first entry)
-- returns: nothing
on processEntries(entryList, refOmniNode)
tell front document of application "Mori"
set currentNode to ""
tell front document of application "OmniFocus" to set boolIsTask to (class of refOmniNode is task)
set taskCount to count entryList
repeat with i from 1 to taskCount
set refMoriTask to item i of entryList
-- tell subroutine to only expand parent first time
set boolExpandParent to (i = 1 and boolIsTask)
set currentNode to my createTask(refMoriTask, refOmniNode, boolExpandParent)
if entries of refMoriTask is not {} then -- has children
set children to my listEntriesSorted(refMoriTask)
my processEntries(children, currentNode) -- go deeper
end if
end repeat
end tell
end processEntries[/CODE]

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