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kocab 2006-11-03 08:16 AM

Disable "find as you type"?
Is there a way to disable "find as you type" for certain websites?

(Look Gmail and other sites that do javascript keyboard shortcuts?)


wac 2006-11-14 05:42 PM

[QUOTE=kocab]Is there a way to disable "find as you type" for certain websites?

(Look Gmail and other sites that do javascript keyboard shortcuts?)


Not as far as I've been able to find. And yes this would be very handy for at least Gmail and Google Reader. The current WebKit builds have some strange behavior about not transmitting keyboard input to the page's JavaScript without clicking first as well. I think this may be contributing to the problem.

jayare 2006-12-03 05:02 PM

I would love to be able to disable "find as you type", if that's what the feature is called that automatically goes to links starting with whatever letter you type. Frequently, I'll be on a page and try to hit the space bar to scroll down, only to accidently hit "b" or "n" and lose my place as the browser jumps to a link.

troyb 2006-12-04 11:10 AM

Everyone be sure to send us feedback via the help menu to let us know that this is something you'd like to see. We'll make sure you have a vote in our database for this.

kocab 2006-12-04 07:52 PM

[QUOTE=troyb]Everyone be sure to send us feedback via the help menu to let us know that this is something you'd like to see. We'll make sure you have a vote in our database for this.[/QUOTE]

Done. Hope other folks will do the same.

hardcoreUFO 2006-12-05 04:55 AM

I think, on the other hand, most users would like to see type-ahead-find properly *enabled*, not disabled. That is, to be able to access text other than links. This is hardly a new request, but bears repeating.

kga1978 2006-12-05 01:26 PM

I second that - I really miss this feature... Sure it is nice that it currently works with links, but I would like to see this with text as well.

philonous 2006-12-14 03:06 PM

[QUOTE=kga1978]I second that - I really miss this feature... Sure it is nice that it currently works with links, but I would like to see this with text as well.[/QUOTE]

Me, too. I was among many who bugged OG for this feature for some time until they put it in 5.1, which all of us promptly abandoned because of speed. I would love to see it back.

PhilMac 2008-04-21 09:16 AM

Let me third this, lo these many years later. The lack of type-ahead-find is my second biggest frustration with OW (the first being new tabs always opening at the end of the list). If this functionality necessarily creates a problem on some sites — though I never had problems myself on other browsers — perhaps it could be disabled on a site-specific basis.

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