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benfsmith 2011-05-02 07:30 AM

Syncing iPad erased 3 hours of work

I spent several hours this morning processing my inbox and doing a review offline on my iPad. When I later got online, the synchronization reverted me back to this morning's pre-work state. Does anyone have an idea if there is a chance of getting that work back? I sync with Omni's server and also use the Mac and iPhone clients. I did not use those clients however between the time I did the iPad work and synchronized.

Thanks for any suggestions.


whpalmer4 2011-05-02 08:56 AM

Immediately call the Omni support staff at 800-315-6664 or +1-206-523-4152. Don't launch the app on any of your devices until you've spoken with them.

Did the iPad ask you any questions during the sync? When was the last time it was synced previous to doing the work? Is the date and time correct on your iPad?

benfsmith 2011-05-02 09:36 AM

It didn't ask any questions. All three clients had synced earlier in the morning. Date and time are correct on the iPad.


Brian 2011-05-02 02:28 PM

Sorry for the confusion/trouble!

If you search for some of the items you entered during this morning's session on the iPad, do they appear in the search results?

Syncing can trigger the app to Clean Up, which moves (but does not delete) items in the database. For example: actions that were assigned to projects may have been moved out of the inbox, but they aren't gone.

That confuses folks sometimes...

If that doesn't describe what you saw, Bill's right. Contact us and we can help. Generally, OmniFocus is going to notify you about any sort of situation that could cause data to be deleted/overwritten and ask for permission before proceeding. Haven't heard about anything bypassing that in a long time, but it's always possible there's something we haven't encountered before in there somewhere.

benfsmith 2011-05-02 03:00 PM

they don't appear in the search results. An example of the issue is that I processed 30 items in my inbox -> after sync, everything was back in inbox. Possibly the app crashed in background or something when I went online. I received no notification of anything.


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