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DeaconPatrick 2011-05-15 02:05 PM

Copy/Export without bullets?
How can I think/organize/structure/write in OO but then copy or export the final draft to whatever layout app without having bullets at the front of every field?

I want/need them in OO for their visual queues, but then I want them gone for the final output.

RobTrew 2011-05-15 11:21 PM

If you switch off the display of bullets in the GUI then I think they will also vanish from most export formats.

Menu system:[INDENT]Inspectors > Row > Advanced > Show handles > Never[/INDENT]
Script for toggling bullets on and off:

[CODE]property pBulletState : "item-handle-mode(com.omnigroup.OmniOutliner)"
property pStateOne : "never"
property pStateTwo : "always"

tell application id "OOut"
if (count of documents) < 1 then return
tell attribute pBulletState of style of front document
if (value = pStateOne) then
set value to pStateTwo
set value to pStateOne
end if
end tell
end tell

(This can, of course, be installed at a button on the OO toolbar).


whpalmer4 2011-05-16 12:40 AM

If you're exporting to Rich Text Format, see the OmniOutliner preferences, RTF Export section, where you can specify how the bullets will be represented in the output, including deleting them entirely. This has the slight advantage of not altering the display of the document, or marking it changed. Click the reset button at the bottom left in the preferences window to return the settings to the factory defaults.

DeaconPatrick 2011-05-16 05:06 AM

Change the Rich Text preference: Lovely and elegant! Thank you!

With abandon,

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