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dave_m 2011-06-23 09:53 AM

OmniGraphSketcher 1.2 betas featuring log scales
If you're not following [URL=""]@omnigs on twitter[/URL], you may not be aware that our work on log axes (and scientific notation) in OmniGraphSketcher has reached the beta stage and we're looking for feedback.

You can [URL=""]grab beta 3 of OmniGraphSketcher for Mac here[/URL]. Release notes are below.
OmniGraphSketcher 1.2 beta 1 - April 5, 2011[/SIZE]

[B]Logarithmic Axes[/B][LIST][*]Lin-Log and Log-Log: OmniGraphSketcher supports logarithmic scales on either or both axes. You can easily switch back and forth between linear and logarithmic axes using new controls in the Axes Inspector. Dragging, nudging, snapping, sketch recognition, axis manipulation, importing, exporting, scale-to-fit, etc. have all been updated to work as you'd expect.[*]Configurable: Logarithmic axes support any mathematically plausible min/max values and tick spacing. (Because zero is infinitely far away in logarithmic space, the min/max values for logarithmic axes must both be more than zero, or both less than zero. OmniGraphSketcher will automatically fix any such issues when switching to a logarithmic axis and will prevent you from accidentally setting parameters that are mathematical impossibilities.)[*]Double precision: To accommodate data sets that span many orders of magnitude, axes and data points now support up to 13 significant digits, and they can hold values as large as 10^300.[*]Scientific notation: To accommodate these large numbers, both linear and logarithmic axes now automatically use scientific notation ("1.23 x 10^45") when values are larger than 10,000,000 or smaller than 0.001. On logarithmic scales, simplified powers of ten are used when possible ("10^9"). You can edit these values or enter new data points by using the shortened "E" notation: "1.23E45" or "6E-7".[*]Line interpolation: Lines in OmniGraphSketcher are defined to connect two or more data points as smoothly as possible, regardless of the axis type. The underlying data points are mapped accurately to linear or logarithmic space, but intermediate points on the line are not comparable. To accurately map a line's shape between linear and logarithmic axes, you can now choose: Arrange > Interpolate Line, which will sample along the vertical grid lines (x-values). Now when you switch to a logarithmic axis, you will see how each part of the shape adjusts to logarithmic space.[/LIST][B]Tick Labeling[/B][LIST][*]When there is not enough room to label every tick mark, tick labels are now always evenly spaced (skipping tick marks in multiples of two, five, or ten). On logarithmic axes, tick marks representing powers of ten are most likely to be labeled.[*]Where there are at least 5 tick marks between tick labels, OmniGraphSketcher now uses major/minor tick marks to distinguish between labeled ticks (long) and unlabeled ticks (short). This works even if tick labels are not visible.[*]Thanks to these improvements, automatic tick spacing is now 1 in more cases, allowing more easily understandable scales.[*]Tick labels (and everything else in the app that displays numeric data values) now choose an appropriate number of significant digits based on the range of each axis. For example, an axis spanning 0 to 100 will display up to four significant digits ("1.234" or "93.47"); whereas an axis spanning 842 to 843 will use up to six significant digits ("842.551"). This is just for display; all data points are stored with full precision.[/LIST][B]Miscellaneous[/B][LIST][*]New menu option: Arrange > Add Jitter (cmd-shift-J) applies a small amount of random vertical noise to the selected data points, using a standard normal distribution. This can be useful for making data points visible that might be hidden behind each other. Apply it multiple times to increase the amount of jitter.[*]Data importing and the Scale to Fit command now choose better automatic axis ranges.[*]Tick label distance and axis title distance are now recorded as part of the "Make Current Styles Default" command.[*]Automatic margins now take into account any arrowheads on the ends of axes.[*]Lines with straight segments at sharp angles now have gentler, rounded joints.[*]Grid lines now adjust to the nearest pixel so that they look sharper on-screen.[*]Fixed an issue where the version number in the About OmniGraphSketcher panel was sometimes in the wrong place.[*]Fixed several issues that could occasionally lead to crashes when reverting, closing, or switching between documents.[*]Smaller fixes and improvements.[/LIST]
[SIZE="4"]OmniGraphSketcher 1.2 beta 2 - May 17, 2011[/SIZE][LIST][*]Fixed an issue where switching between logarithmic and linear axes would not update the display immediately.[*]Adjusted the Axis Inspector layout.[*]Improved the crash reporter.[/LIST]
[SIZE="4"]OmniGraphSketcher 1.2 beta 3 - June 22, 2011
[B]Logarithmic Axes[/B][LIST][*]Axis ranges up to 10^300 now work for real.[*]Improved support for logarithmic axes that span more than 30 orders of magnitude. Tick labels now appear where expected (for example, at 10^30, 10^40, 10^50...) and the axis uses major and minor ticks accordingly. Intermediate tick marks no longer appear in situations where they would be too close together to be visually salient.[*]Improved tick mark choices for logarithmic axes that range between approximately 1 and 50.[*]Updated the tick labeling algorithm to skip intermediate labels greater than 5 (in any power of ten) when there is not enough space for all labels. (This looks cleaner and matches Matlab's layout.)[*]Major/minor tick marks now always work correctly on logarithmic axes where some tick marks are not labeled.[*]Fixed an issue where tick marks were inconsistent near the ends of logarithmic axes whose min or max were not powers of ten.[/LIST][B]Scientific Notation[/B][LIST][*]You can now override the automatic scientific notation settings with new menu options: View > Scientific Notation.[*]Logarithmic axes now automatically use scientific notation when the max is greater than 100,000 (unlike linear axes, which wait until 10,000,000).[/LIST][B]Miscellaneous[/B][LIST][*]Fixed an issue with automatic window resizing when running the application on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.[*]Fixed a regression where strings such as "5k" were interpreted as "5" instead of as a custom label.[*]The custom tick spacing field now behaves as expected when you tab through it without changing its value.[*]Shift-clicking two tick labels on a logarithmic axis now selects all of the labels in-between.[*]Smaller fixes and improvements.[/LIST]

dave_m 2011-08-16 10:08 AM

We're really close to releasing OmniGraphSketcher 1.2, along with OmniGraphSketcher for iPad 1.5. Here are the release notes from the release candidate we posted today:
OmniGraphSketcher 1.2 Release Candidate - August 16, 2011[/SIZE]
[LIST][*]You can now override the automatic scientific notation settings individually for each axis. The controls are in pop-up menus on the axis inspector (indicated by small triangles next to the tick label buttons).[*]Decreased tick label spacing on axes with negative numbers and certain logarithmic ranges.[*]Copy as Image now puts a PNG image on the pasteboard along with the PDF and TIFF formats (to help out applications that don't handle PDFs well).[*]Fixed an issue where entering a huge number (more than 10^300) as the axis minimum would spawn error dialogs.[*]Fixed a regression where the data inspector did not interpret decimal points according to the number formats specified in System Preferences.[/LIST]

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