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thisisreid 2011-07-26 03:33 AM

Trouble with Bonjour Syncing
Alright guys, please help me out here.

I have the most current (1.9) versions of both Omnifocus for both Mac and iPhone. I've set up my syncing via Bonjour as per the instructions, and can get new items that are due soon to show up both ways (inputting into Mac then syncing onto iPhone, and vice versa).

However, I already had a bunch of items "due soon" on the Mac, that show up on my iPhone after sync, but NOT in the "due soon" category. I can only view them by going into Projects (they don't even show up under their respective contexts).

Am I going to have to re-input them all, or is there a solution to this? Any help would be much appreciated.

Brian 2011-07-26 03:18 PM

Reid, do those items have start dates assigned? If those start dates are in the future, that may explain what you're seeing. I seem to remember the Mac and iPhone handling "due soon but haven't started yet" slightly differently. I thought we'd straightened that out, but maybe I'm wrong.

If that doesn't sound like what you're seeing, email the [EMAIL=""]support ninjas[/EMAIL] and we'll be happy to look into this with you. Sorry for the confusion and trouble!

(Since the items are visible in both places, though, I don't this is actually a sync issue. If they weren't syncing properly, they wouldn't appear on the phone at all. Instead, it sounds like the data is on both devices; it's just displaying differently.)

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