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carlsson 2011-08-19 01:56 AM

The Weekly Review
I have problems using the Review function.

For a starter; I would like to be able to review single actions. As it is now, it seems only possible to review Projects.

More; I want a simple way to put the action or project on hold for a time, or until next review. It feels like I miss a "Review Panel" where the review behavior is controlled.

Even more; Many of my projects are information holders that I don't ever want reviewed. It may be information about my clients for example (yes, I know that this isn't true GTD, but OF is great for many tasks).

I am probably missing something as usual... If you have an idea please let me know! :)

CatOne 2011-08-19 06:27 AM

I don't know that it makes sense to review individual actions? How many tasks does your average project have? If you have 2 projects with 500 actions each, I might suggest reorganizing a bit.

There is no way to put an individual action on hold in OF right now. The Omni folks know this and have commented on perhaps having it at some point (I'd like it). You can make a support/feedback request via email.

It's also possible to set the review frequency on a project-by-project basis. For projects that are basically just "info buckets" you can set review frequency to months, or years (maybe never?). Do "get info" on the project and set the review frequency to your preferred timeframe.

whpalmer4 2011-08-19 08:45 AM

On the Mac, you can also schedule when the next review will be by the same method. This is handy for a project which is on the back burner now, but will become important (and deserving of more supervision) at a predictable point in the future (or one you just don't ever want to see in reviews, of course).

Tedallen 2011-08-19 10:26 AM

I may not be understanding what you are wanting, but you could put an action on hold by assigning it to a context that is on hold. For example, my Waiting context is set on hold so when I assign an action to that context the action is then placed on hold.

DrJJWMac 2011-08-20 05:15 AM

Even more; Many of my projects are information holders that I don't ever want reviewed. It may be information about my clients for example (yes, I know that this isn't true GTD, but OF is great for many tasks).

Two thoughts here ...

* Set the review dates on the projects that are just information holders to be done on a longer time basis. For example, set them to be reviewed every 1000 years after today and then mark them reviewed immediately. They should drop to a position at the end of your review list.

* Put your information projects in a separate folder that is then marked "Dropped". The folder icon will change to show a red X over it in Projects view. That folder will not be part of the review at all.


carlsson 2011-08-22 06:04 AM

Many good advices here, folks!

I guess that my biggest concern is that I create actions instead of Projects, which is not very good in the long run... I have been better doing this lately, but I still have a long way to go...

Thanks for the advices though! At least one step closer to GTD heaven! ;)

HappyDude 2011-08-29 02:34 AM

On a personal note, I love the latest version of OF.

The only qualm comes from the iPhone screen size. I've done Weekly Reviews on the iPhone which took up a bit shyly over an hour, whilst on the iPad would've taken 40-ish minutes and 25 minutes on the MacBook Pro.

Nevertheless, I genuinely love the latest update.


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