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GeorgeV 2011-11-13 03:19 PM

OF constantly sending data?
I've noticed that the little arrow in the top right corner next to the battery % is constantly showing while OF is open. I thought it was related to syncing with the sync server so I turned all syncing off. The arrow is still there and I've noticed that my battery appears to drain faster. What is going on? Could it be the location feature. I only have the WiFi iPad, not the 3G version.

ericdano 2011-11-13 04:52 PM

This also happens on my wifi iPad. But my when I go to maps. You syncing doesn't do that. You might want to go to settings->location services and check to see what is using location services. Also, in the system area, you can turn off iAds and time zone (unless you need time zone)

Brian 2011-11-14 03:34 PM

Sorry for the confusion! This is likely due to the location-based reminders feature we added recently. This [URL=""]post on our blog[/URL] describes the feature. This [URL=""]forum post[/URL] may also help explain what's going on.

Location reminders (in OmniFocus, or the new Reminders app Apple added) do have some battery impact, but Apple designed the interface we're using to provide that feature in order to minimize battery use.

That said, if you haven't installed iOS 5.0.1, installing it may help - it was aimed at fixing a battery-draining bug in the OS. (Though some folks report that Apple has [URL=""]more work to do in this regard[/URL].)

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