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RobTrew 2012-02-09 02:40 AM

Caution ! DON'T trust the OmniGraffle screen ....
2 Attachment(s)
[SIZE="1"]Applies to:[INDENT]Product: OmniGrafflePro-5.3
Tag: OmniGraffle/5.3.6/GM-v138.33[/INDENT][/SIZE][LIST=1][*]Create a fresh OmniGraffle document,[*]and create a single shape in it, reading, for example, "The CEO is a genius"[/LIST][IMG][/IMG]

Now run the following script (perhaps on an unsuspecting colleague's machine ?)

[CODE]tell application id "OGfl"
tell canvas of front window
set last word of text of first shape to "fool"
end tell
end tell[/CODE]

No change ...

[B]The screen[/B] still looks supportive of the CEO - you can start your presentation with confidence ...


[B]View > Start Presentation[/B]

Horror ! The screen was deceiving you ...


If you now end the presentation, and experiment with zoom levels, you will find that the original zoom level still sings the praises of the CEO, while others levels of zoom are more sceptical ...

Moral ... the OmniGraffle screen can [B]not[/B] be relied on to display the real state of your data ...


RobTrew 2012-02-09 03:38 AM

Just to link things up, this is related to the [URL=""]Peter Pan bug[/URL], and more generally to the [URL=""]Scylla and Charybdis bugs[/URL]. (Applescript doesn't see GUI edits, and GUI doesn't show Applescripted edits)


DerekAsirvadem 2012-03-15 07:09 PM

What happens if you save the document (no outstanding edits), then do you presentation, zoom, whatever ?

RobTrew 2012-03-16 12:22 AM

[QUOTE=DerekAsirvadem;108391]What happens if you save the document (no outstanding edits), then do you presentation, zoom, whatever ?[/QUOTE]

I think you will find that saving, alas, is not enough ...

It's quite a deep bug, and even if you save, the original zoom level will still show the wrong text. (Presentation view, and other zoom levels, will show the right text, but ending the presentation or returning to the original zoom level will put the wrong text back on the screen, even after a save).

Only closing and reopening the document, or further manual edits to the affected shape(s), will correct the display.

DerekAsirvadem 2012-03-16 01:11 AM

I am not finding anything of the sort (and I am not having a go at your wording!). Of all the apps on my Mac, I probably use OG the most, and I have not found the bug. Obviously, that does not suggest that it does not exist, clearly you have found it. I have used apps with AppleScript, but I am nowhere near your level of proficiency.

Only one single crash in seven years of heavy use. Which of course means that I trust the OG display completely.

The example you have provided is fair enough for the purpose of demonstrating the problem/bug. But what is the relevance ? Eg. I can change "genius" to "fool" without using an AppleScript code segment, and that method is much faster as well; so there must be some significance in your trying to change it via AS (and failing), and the relevance is probably greater than the example-for-demo-purposes.

Of course it is an AppleScript integration issue, that most of us will not see in our entire lifetimes. I do not see how it identifies an architectural flaw, just a serious bug in the AS integration.

The peter pan bug is more of the peter principle to me. It is too small to worry about and the workaround is simple enough; given the bugs in other Mac apps, if this is the worst of OG, it really is a very tight product.

It is good that you have warned us. You probably know that this for the bug to be addressed appropriately, you need to send a bug report from OG, this forum is not the correct avenue.

Simon Knight 2012-11-24 09:23 AM

I think that this is quite serious as if I have understood correctly an Applescript is used to collect information for display as part of an OG document it means that the display is not to be trusted.

VeraKeisey 2012-12-01 08:35 PM

The peter pan bug is more of the peter principle to me. It is too small to worry about and the workaround is simple enough; given the bugs in other Mac apps, if this is the worst of OG, it really is a very tight product.

And i can't see the pics.

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