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markatdvcrc 2012-02-24 01:39 PM

"Next Action OR Flagged" filtering possible? [A: Feature request filed.]
Sorry if this is already asked or to basic. I did try and search for it.
The Views selectors seem to only provide for "AND" filters, but I would like to make a perspective for Next Actions "OR" Flagged.

Any thoughts?


Brian 2012-02-24 02:26 PM

Welcome to the forums! OmniFocus supports "Due Soon or Flagged", but we don't have support for the specific combination you're looking for here. Sorry...

However, I'll check our development database and make sure to either attach this to an existing feature request or file it as a new one if this isn't something folks have requested before. That way the rest of the team will know you want this and we'll be able to consider adding it in the future.

whpalmer4 2012-02-24 02:41 PM

A "Next Action OR Flagged" view doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Why do you want to include actions which are flagged but not next actions in a view with your next actions? A view of "Next Action AND Flagged" makes a lot of sense — anything that isn't a next action is something that can't be worked on yet (*), and a flagged next action is one you've marked as being especially urgent, important, deserving, whatever meaning you assign to flagging.

(*) A parallel project can have multiple actions available to be worked, with only one of them (the uppermost) being shown as a next action, so it is possible to have a flagged item which is available but not yet a next action. However, with a sequential project, including any flagged actions which were not next actions in your proposed view would show you actions which you should not be doing.

markatdvcrc 2012-02-24 06:30 PM

Brian & whpalmer4,
Thanks for the quick replies, this is what I love about an active community; they actually have usable forums.

Brian, I've only got about two weeks (with to many late nights) digging into OF and setting it up. My database mind wants there to be a way to add additional view filter lines that can be additive or subtractive to the query, but I may just be over thinking it.

whpalmer4, Maybe I have been missing something but it seems when I select "flagged" and select "next action" I will only get the flagged items that are actually next actions but I want a list that has flagged items that may or may not be next actions and next actions even if they are not flagged. I need to have it be an "OR" statement so that I get both.

Here is one scenario that I encounter. I have a parallel project where I want to see (in my custom perspective) the next action but also an action item or two that is further down the list which I have flagged (working ahead a little). This doesn't work because the only actions you get (when you have "next action" and "flagged" selected in views) are next AND flagged actions. If they are single actions not part of a project those will show up as many as you have flagged.

I understand that I probably need to just set up a couple of different perspective, but I keep wanting to build a perspective like a database report.

Thanks for all your insights.

whpalmer4 2012-02-24 09:11 PM

Well, there isn't much point in telling you don't want something that you think you want, I suppose. I am skeptical that you'll see it implemented exactly as requested, because it can give you potentially misleading answers with sequential projects and action groups.

If you are really determined to see a list of all actions which are either a next action or flagged, you can do it with RobTrew's [URL=""]Where in OF[/URL] script. There's a FAQ about installing Applescripts in the OmniFocus Extras forum.

A search you could use with Rob's script is:

tasks where ([NextAction]) or (flagged is true)

markatdvcrc 2012-02-25 07:19 AM

whpalmer4, that looks great and fun to dig into. Thank you!

I will admit that I am one of those people that may have tweaking task management systems as one of their hobbies. My work has changed and evolved over the years and now has elements of GTD and my own oddities. When I first got OF a few years ago it didn't work for me at all, but this latest setup has already help me be more productive and stress free. Maybe I have finally figured out how to setup up my work.

Thanks for letting me continue to explore.

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