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adrianwi 2012-05-23 03:47 AM

Complete actions uncompleting
I had a problem last week where I completed an action and about 200+ old actions showed as overdue. I recovered a previous backup and thought little more about it.

Exactly the same thing has just happened this morning, where I completed one of today's actions and I have 200+ previously completed actions overdue, going back over 12 months.

I've marked them all as completed, although ideally don't want them showing as completed today as they weren't.


Brian 2012-05-24 04:06 PM

I'm sorry for the trouble this is causing! The best thing to do here is to [EMAIL=""]email our support ninjas[/EMAIL] so we can investigate what's going on.

Either there's corruption in the sync database for some reason, or the mother of all sync conflicts is occurring when the same item is edited on multiple devices while they're out of sync.

adrianwi 2012-05-29 08:56 AM

Thanks for the reply. It hasn't happened again and I'm currently between projects so have done a pretty through cleanse/archive of complete actions.

Will e-mail support if I have another occurrence...

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