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am0363 2012-07-31 09:06 AM

New event on enter? [A: Feature request; hit Esc. key to prevent new row.]
Hi, I'm new to OmniFocus. One thing that bothers me is that when I add a new event and push enter, it creates a new blank event immediately after. I've tried to train myself not to push enter as soon as I type a new event but It just feels to natural. I couldn't find any settings to disable this "feature". Is it configurable?

Brian 2012-07-31 03:03 PM

Happy to help! The settings you're looking for are in the General pane of preferences.

whpalmer4 2012-07-31 05:09 PM

Brian, which settings are those, exactly? There's one for the behavior in the Quick Entry window, but I'll bet the OP is talking about the general behavior in the regular outline view.

am0363 2012-08-01 08:24 AM

Thanks Brian, as whpalmer4 stated, I am not referring to the quick entry mode.

Brian 2012-08-02 03:47 PM

Oooohhh - guess who misread the original post? Apologies!

You guys are correct - will have to file that as a feature request. In the meantime, hitting escape instead of Return will get the results you're after, though I know that's not really the method you were asking for.

amityweb 2012-12-06 01:32 AM

I would like to second this request, this is really annoying! I want to enter text on a new line so I hit return. I dont even create tasks this way, I click the Add Action button. I understand it would be quick for adding many tasks, but I dont often add many tasks in one go like this, and if I did Add Action is fine for me. BUT I do enter text in the task often with line returns. I keep forgetting to press Cmd + Return.

KirbyKrieger 2012-12-08 09:04 PM

I am new to OFO as well -- and this tripped me up for a while (OK -- still does). What I found myself doing quickly was hitting "{Enter}, {Delete}". This is the same as "{Escape}". It's faster for me because I can touch-type the combination, whereas the "{Escape}" key is simply not one I use enough to even know which finger to use to press it.

I am a _long-time_ user of the superb Circus Ponies NoteBook (an outlining program at heart). "Cells" in NoteBook are in many ways similar to Actions in OFO. NoteBook has a preference for setting the behavior of "{Enter}":
- Add a new line in the cell
- End editing the cell and select it
- Add a new cell below the current cell
Perhaps the OFO developers could implement something similar.

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