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richardl 2012-09-11 06:43 PM

Reverse sync to iPhone
I need to be able to reverse sync to the iPhone. I have two networks, one is behind the other. So the Mac with OmniFocus on the behind network can connect to the iPhone on the in front network, but not the other way around. I would also be happy with being able to sync via USB but as far as I can tell that is not an option either.

Is there any workaround or suggestion for me?

richardl 2012-10-10 09:56 PM

Sync from Mac to iPhone
I asked this before but maybe it wasn't clear. I have two networks and my mac with OmniFocus is on one network and the iPhone with OmniFocus is on the other. I need to be able to sync with the mac TO THE iPhone rather than from the iphone to the mac. The mac can see the iphone network but not the other way around. Is there any way to achieve this?

Lizard 2012-10-17 08:41 AM

USB sync is not possible, due to limitations from Apple.

Your central sync database cannot be on an iOS device. You either need to have a Mac which all other Macs/devices can sync to, or a WebDAV server which all of them can see.

It sounds like the WebDAV server could be on your front network, or you could use Omni Sync Server if all your Macs can access the internet.

If this doesn't fully answer your question, please contact us: 800 315-6664 or +1 206-523-4152 or [email][/email]
(We try to keep up with the forums as we have time, but email and phone are our primary support channels.)

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