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DamonC 2012-09-20 10:37 PM

Create projects in nested folders from inbox action
I've sent this into the Omni Ninjas and they've added a feature request to their database, which means to me they don't already have a request for it.

I'd like to be able to create new projects in nested folders from inbox actions. I want to easily select a folder, type the new project name and type Cmd-Return to create the project. For instance I have some nested folders set up as:

----->Automating Data
---------->FileMaker Development

I want to easily select the Customers folder and then type the name of the project. In order to do that right now I have to type:

Automating Data : FileMaker Development : Customers : Project Name

This is long winded and prone to errors. I don't want to scroll through my list of folders in the sidebar, create a new project and then return to the inbox to add the task to the project as that's unproductive. I want to process my inbox by creating projects as I work through the list of inbox items.

What do you think?

whpalmer4 2012-09-20 11:08 PM

You can do it already. The smart matching code is your friend. Type enough of each folder to get a unique match, separating folders with : characters, then tack on your new project name and press command-return.

DamonC 2012-09-20 11:20 PM

Well I never!

I've struggled with this for a long time. I use the smart matching code all the time for adding actions to existing projects, I didn't think it was possible to use it to create projects too!

To illustrate this, I want to create a project called New Prospect in the following nested folder:

----->Automating Data
---------->FileMaker Development

I type:

ad:fd:c:New Prospect

then type CMD-Return and the project is created in the Customers folder.

Brilliant! I've wasted so much time typing the entire folder path in the past this is going to save me so much time in the future.

Thanks whpalmer4, that's a great help!

whpalmer4 2012-09-21 07:45 AM

Yeah, it doesn't really look like it is going to work when you do it, but at the end the right thing happens. I'll note that you can only create a new project in an existing folder, in my experience; my attempts to create a new folder and project together haven't born fruit. Sadly, the iOS app isn't clever enough to do at all.

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