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thackett 2012-11-02 01:09 PM

iCloud capture on the iPad mini? [A: added in 1.6.2]
Is it possible to use Siri and capture on the iPad mini? I am not getting the Capture section of OmniFocus settings to turn on Reminders Capture.

Brian 2012-11-02 01:28 PM

The iPad mini identifies itself to OmniFocus as an iPad 2; the full-size ones didn't/don't support Siri; our code looks at the device identifier and leaves the feature switched off for that reason.

Of course, the iPad Mini *does* support Siri, so now that we have some units to work with/test on, we'll push out an update that will enable it. ("Original" iPad 2's still don't have Siri, so nothing changes for folks using those.)

Greg Jones 2012-11-02 02:27 PM

Brian, is there still a reason why Siri is required to accomplish this? Just asking because the 'other' guys implemented this by hooking into Reminders rather than requiring Siri. Launching the app on iOS (with or without Siri), or even on the Mac with Mountain Lion, imports the tasks from the designated Reminders list.

Animgif 2012-11-03 08:13 AM

I agree with Mr. Jones. Although I use an iPad 3, I use my tasks in Microsoft Outlook (which now sync with iOS Reminders in iOS 6) to add tasks to OF from my Windows machine at work (a pseudo quick capture hack that works remarkably well). I assume that people on an iPad 2 would find that feature useful as well.

Eike 2012-11-10 06:00 AM

For the iPad mini the problem should be solved, as under iOS 6.0.1 it identify as iPad 2.6 and 2.7 (wifi only|LTE).

nicoledb 2012-11-15 03:46 PM

iPad mini here, with iOs 6.0.1., but I don't see the Capture section in OF settings. When will this be updated so I can use Reminder Capture? This was one of my main reasons for getting an iPad mini instead of an iPad-2!!

Lizard 2012-11-15 04:38 PM

We've got a fix for this. We're just working it through the full release process. Hang tight a little longer.

nicoledb 2012-11-16 12:23 PM

Great to hear, thanks!

Lizard 2012-11-20 11:39 AM

Go grab 1.6.2, available now on the App Store.

nicoledb 2012-11-21 11:23 AM

thanks, works like a charm!

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