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abdullin 2013-04-02 10:08 AM

Any interest in Windows App for OmniFocus?
Hi All,

My apologies, if this message does not belong to this thread or is inappropriate. Please correct me if so.

I'm currently working on a small project to enable managing OmniFocus inbox and projects from a windows desktop app (linked to OmniFocus Sync), since I'm really missing it there.

Is there any interest in the community in such app (being offered on a paid basis as monthly subscription)? If so, would you, please, complete a short survey?


If there is enough interest, I could invest time in making this software robust and user-friendly.

Best regards,
Rinat Abdullin

kingsinger 2013-04-02 09:09 PM

Would this be a or a desktop client? I typically associate a flat fee with a client app, whereas subscriptions seem more common for web-apps.

abdullin 2013-04-02 09:42 PM

I'm considering desktop app for a start (easier for me to develop, since doing web app properly would require somebody to deal with HTML stuff).

Re fees: to keep things simple and to provide lower cost entry - I'd prefer to use subscriptions. However this might accompanied with a flat fee for the software (and free upgrades within the version).

abdullin 2013-04-04 07:59 PM

ok, as it seems, most of the interest is in inbox capture, offline editing mode and ability to edit perspectives

Eduardo Zagal 2013-04-30 06:34 AM

Excelent Iniciative!!!
I have answered your survey.

There is a very good iniciative because there are many people like I, that will live with the GAP between PC Microsoft Windows environment in their works and the MAC world in our private life (Iphones, Ipads, etc). I would pay gratefully for an app that could bring me a bridge between these two worlds.

Go On !!!

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