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rdbot 2013-04-04 12:03 PM

Weblinks in action notes section (mostly) don't work
Hello. Weblinks in the action notes section of OF on my ipad don't work, but every once in while they will (ie. open the weblink in safari). It's very annoying to have to copy/paste, switch to browser, paste, etc. and great if/when it works. didn't find anything on forum. is this a common issue?



whpalmer4 2013-04-04 01:42 PM

I find them to be very reliable. Are you including the http:// prefix, or not?

rdbot 2013-04-04 02:06 PM

with and without
but mostly with... most are created by using a bookmarklet when capturing a webpage I want to put in my inbox. the link shows up as blue, then when I click on it it turns to text sometimes or even if not, nothing happens... but again, every so often it will. haven't been able to find a pattern yet.

whpalmer4 2013-04-04 03:54 PM

Yeah, it's easy to make the app think you are editing — I think probably you're slightly missing the link with your tap. A quick tap on the date button and back to the note gives you another opportunity.

I thought initially that you were suggesting that the links weren't functional (didn't even reliably get recognized as a link), but it sounds like that's not the case.

rdbot 2013-04-04 10:34 PM

Thanks so much... I kept playing with it and finally I figured out that a quick tap was my problem... You have to hold on the link for a sec. (should have realized this earlier, only that when it was working I thought I was quick tapping too). cool. :)

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