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kaan 2007-02-22 09:12 PM

html export using AppleScript?
I'd like to do automated html export using AppleScript. Basically my goal is to periodically (daily?) publish updates of project plans for public consumption, but I can't find a way to script the "Export".

I found this example for OmniOutliner (not OmniPlan), but it doesn't work for me and I have no idea what variations I might try:

Anyone know if this is possibe? And if so, how?


Lizard 2007-02-23 09:35 AM

It should work something like this:

[CODE]tell application "OmniPlan"
tell front document
save in "Volumes:Extra:myReport.htmld" as "HTML Full Report" with properties {export template:"Users:lizard:Library:Application Support:OmniPlan:HTMLTemplates:Custom Project Report"}
end tell
end tell[/CODE]

However, that's giving me an error right now. I've filed a bug, and hopefully we can get an engineer to look at it soon. (But feel free to try something like this anyways and let me know if it does somehow work for you.)

kaan 2007-02-24 11:33 AM

Awesome, your suggestion worked great. Here's something I just used for a template I named "Standard", it's really close to yours. I haven't tried using this script against a custom template yet.

[I]tell application "OmniPlan"
tell front document
set reportName to "Users:kaan:Desktop:" & (get name) & ".htmld"
save in reportName as "HTML Full Report" with properties {export template:"Users:kaan:Library:Application Support:OmniPlan:HTMLTemplates:Standard"}
end tell
end tell[/I]


Lizard 2007-02-26 10:03 AM

kaan: what version of OmniPlan are you using? I think we must have re-broken this in our internal builds recently!

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