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Carlo 2013-07-09 07:26 AM

Tracking costs with multiple resources working on the same tasks

Loving OminPlan but I have a question. In my case, I have two resources working the same tasks for the same time period. So, for example, I have a task that runs for 2 days and I have 2 people working on that task. When I enter the cost, for some reason it seems to be splitting that task's time in half between the two people. But in my case, each person is working on the task for the full 2 days even though the task will only take 2 days to complete. How can I make it so that the app will recognize the task as taking 2 days without splitting the time in half?


Tom Bunch 2013-07-12 03:17 PM

Just to be pedantic, I assume when you say "Cost" you mean effort. Cost is another matter.

There are two approaches to this. One is to realize that the task requires 4 "man days" to complete, estimate it that way, and let the applications calculate that two people working at 100% will complete that effort in 2 days. This is often the more useful and flexible approach, because it allows you to respond to changing demands and so forth.

The other is to go to the Task: Assignments inspector and tell the application that for this task, as assignments are added and removed, duration should remain fixed and the effort should be recalculated. See "Keep duration fixed".


Carlo 2013-07-16 07:12 AM

Hi, Tom, by Cost I mean tracking the dollar amount under Cost in the Inspector. Yeah, I thought about tracking it in man days (i.e., 4 days for a task that will take 2 people 2 days each) but doing it this way would throw all of the project dates off, doubling each date.

I'll look into "Keep duration fixed".


Carlo 2013-07-16 07:17 AM

Tried "Keep duration fixed" but it still divides each work day into 4 hours per person in a two-person team.

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