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BarryW 2013-09-28 01:02 PM

inspector too large
At home I have a large monitor but at work I don't. My issue arises at work where I have much less screen real estate to work with.

In full screen mode the inspector takes about 1/6 of my window. At the window size I usually work it takes about 1/5 the window. On a very small laptop it's over 1/4 of the window. I like to leave my inspector open all the time to tweak things. But I often just leave the particular part I am working with.

With the version 5 I could collapse the unused parts and have a very small, conveniently moveable inspector. This seems completely impossible with version 6.

The new inspector has much the same content as the old inspector but it is wider. I can't drag my most used parts to the "mini" inspector since that inspector doesn't seem to show unless the ruler is shown. I don't use the ruler and if I did I'd lose even more of the page.

Is there a setting I'm missing? Is there a plan to provide some flexibility here? I'd like to buy my upgrade and start using it to help get early bugs reported. But I can't because this limitation is a show stopper for my regular use.

realbrick 2013-09-28 07:38 PM

I'm with you. I don't know why they would redesign the whole palette system without the ability to resize it narrower.

Or wider! Do you know what I would give to see Actions inspector script-entry area wider than 35 characters?

BarryW 2013-10-01 12:37 PM

Well three days passed. Since Omnigraffle 6 is brand new this forum is likely followed carefully by Omnigroup. So I suppose I wasn't missing some setting. I'm disappointed.

A typical mistake is that internal developers do usability testing. And they all have nice big monitors. To not consider smaller screen sizes is a bewildering oversight. This is especially the case since the inspector is advertised as one of the big changes in version 6.

A very nice product. I'm truly sorry that I likely can't use it.

EDu.mac 2013-10-01 06:49 PM

I have got same trouble with two screens on Mac Mini and sometimes a Macbook Air.

I own a second monitor that I can't use (mac mini) and a tiny Macbook Air's screen "invaded" by Inspector.

Why Inspector is not a separated panel as before (OG5) ?

RobTrew 2013-10-02 02:14 AM

Creativity flourishes most in engagement with clear formal guidelines and constraints.


( Given a blank cheque, it understandably tends to languish and put on weight :-)

The noticeably over-expanded and obstructive inspectors in this release seem to date from bit of a blank cheque period between OF1 for iPad (iOS6), and the generally very encouraging response to the new constraints and guidelines of iOS7 in OF2 for iPhone.

Things should look up from here on, I think, as long as Omni can support its UX capacity with same level of clearly reasoned, rigorous, and inspiring discipline in its work in OS X.

fjordaan 2013-10-03 02:14 AM

This also sounds like a dealbreaker to me. When I'm at work, with my Macbook connected to an external monitor, I can put the inspectors on the 2nd monitor and have a whole monitor available to OG. When mobile, I just have the Macbook screen, and use Cmd-Shift-I constantly to show/hide all the inspectors. I don't want the inspectors to take up permanent room on the workspace, regardless of the size of my monitor.

[URL=""]Long ago[/URL] I suggested they follow Photoshop's example, where you can show/hide all inspector panels by pressing Tab, or press 'F' to cycle through modes with more or less chrome, from windowed to full-screen.

keeper 2013-10-03 10:03 AM

Unhook Stencil / Inspectors
I can't believe that they don't allow you to "disconnect" the inspectors or stencils from the workspace. That's what my second monitor is for! I enjoyed having my workspace on one screen and pallets on the other. It worked quite well and I would much prefer to go back to that setup. As it is now, my stencils are impossibly small to see in the current inspector sidebar. A waste of money for me to have upgraded to 6. Hopefully this will be rectified expeditiously!

BarryW 2013-10-04 08:07 AM

I don't doubt they will fix it. They might have assumed that the cmd-shift-i made it easy enough to allow the user to generally leave it hidden unless they needed a change. But I like it open. And when it is open you can't see the results of your changes since so much of the page is blocked. My favorite fix would be to reinstate the old inspector but allow it to be docked.

I expect I'll be buying once they cater for these criticisms.

RobTrew 2013-10-04 09:30 AM

[QUOTE=BarryW;127754]I don't doubt they will fix it. [/QUOTE]

But perhaps not for quite a while.

With two platforms, one of which has just been through a big mutation, a loss of time from the OF2 for OSX design debacle, the pricing inflexibilities and downward price pressures from Apple's new role in distribution, and from the new economics of mobile apps in general, I think their OmniFocus Inboxes are probably overflowing, and their OmniPlanned resources are probably pretty stretched.

The best one can hope for is probably that future UI work is better supported by the kind of constraining (and inspiring) discipline that guards against further UI bloat and bling.

BarryW 2013-10-04 09:38 AM

I haven't seen OF2 but I trust what you're saying about that.

I'll stick with my current version of OmniGraffle and only upgrade if Mavericks causes it problems. Then I'll hang tight till a design change is made to the new version. Fingers crossed.

Best of luck to OmniGroup. And sorry for the people who regret their purchase.

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