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Simon Knight 2013-10-13 09:39 AM

Editing outliner XML file directly to modify links to files
I am a user of Lightroom and make a point of storing all my photos inside a single parent folder on each drive. If I have to move the images to a new drive for some reason, it is a simple task to point lightroom at this parent folder and it is then able to locate all the images that are stored below it.

I like to use OO3 to add detailed comments about certain project files and to also store a link to the subject file. I have discovered that it is quite easy to break the links when restoring from backup or just by an unintended file move.
So I thought that I would try and edit the .OO3 file which as long as it is not being compressed is an XML text file and correct any broken links. Unfortunately while the file reference is simple to modify there seems to be a complex alias saved as well. If just the file ref is updated Omnioutliner refuses to open the file.

Does anyone know how the text of the alias portion of the XML is generated? Here is a cut and paste of a portion of an XML file containing a file link and the strange alias:
[QUOTE]key="font-weight">9</value><value key="underline-style">single</value></style><item id="dL-2-4CeZ_A"><values><text><p><run><lit>Test of file linking</lit></run><run><lit><cell href="file://localhost/Users/skids/Desktop/Pending/OmniOutliner3_FileLinkTest/Books%20to%20read.txt" alias="AAAAAAHkAAIAAAxNYWNpbnRvc2ggSEQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADNZQraSCsAAAAuzDYRQm9va3MgdG8gcmVhZC50eHQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAC7OR854Oy8AAAAAAAAAAP////8AAAkgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGk9tbmlPdXRsaW5lcjNfRmlsZUxpbmtUZXN0ABAACAAAzWUK2gAAABEACAAAzngtHwAAAAEAFAAuzDYABef6AAXd3AAFxyIAAhDpAAIAWk1hY2ludG9zaCBIRDpVc2VyczoAc2tpZHM6AERlc2t0b3A6AFBlbmRpbmc6AE9tbmlPdXRsaW5lcjNfRmlsZUxpbmtUZXN0OgBCb29rcyB0byByZWFkLnR4dAAOACQAEQBCAG8AbwBrAHMAIAB0AG8AIAByAGUAYQBkAC4AdAB4AHQADwAaAAwATQBhAGMAaQBuAHQAbwBzAGgAIABIAEQAEgBIVXNlcnMvc2tpZHMvRGVza3RvcC9QZW5kaW5nL09tbmlPdXRsaW5lcjNfRmlsZUxpbmtUZXN0L0Jvb2tzIHRvIHJlYWQudHh0ABMAAS8AABUAAgAM//8AAA==" name="Books to read.txt" type="link"/></lit></run></p></text></values></item></root></outline>[/QUOTE]

Simon Knight 2013-11-15 12:10 AM

In the end I submitted a help request. It is possible to edit the XML file and modify/update the file links. First ensure that the option to compress the OO3 file is unticked/off - this is found in the document inspector and is set for each document and defaults to on. Next when changing the file link it is necessary to delete the alias="A56B....." portion.

Many thanks to April R. at Omni for the help.


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