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chrismgt 2013-11-16 02:40 PM

Suggestions on workflow for following scenarios

I’m new to omni plan and to project planning in general. I’ve been on the search the last couple years to experiment with different tools to help me be more productive.

I’m a one man shop and will occasionally have an outsourcer or two working on a project. Omni plan is probably over kill for what I need, but I really like the gantt view for some longer projects or multi projects that run together to fit the larger plan.

I would love to hear how others would handle or work the following scenarios.

As a small business I often have to write salesletters. Typically It will take me three weeks to complete one working 30 to 60 minutes a day on it. Going from drafts to multiple edits. At first I just listed writing the salesletter as part of the project with a deadline of 3 weeks but that just didn’t seem like the right way to do it time wise. I hope that makes sense. Would love to hear how others handle tasks that might only take a few hours to complete but is spread out over a much longer period of time.

I’m also trying to decide how to handle larger projects with multiple components.

For example… A marketing campaign might consist of developing 3 websites, writing a salesletter, writing 3 special reports or ebooks, outsourcing software development, etc.

Right now since it’s one major campaign I have it all broken down in one Omniplan project, but I’m starting to question if it would be better to break out each subproject into it’s own Omniplan project. Hoping to hear how others might have tackled similar issues.

Thanks for a great piece of software and forum.

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