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afb 2006-05-02 06:13 PM

Download speed updates excessively fast
The other day, I downloaded the update to Keynote in OW instead of through Software Update, so I could keep the package, and I noticed the speed display in the downloads window going crazy. I'm fortunate to have very fast internet access, particularly for Apple updates, it seems, so it was downloading ~800 KB/s. The number for the speed in the window was changing very rapidly and nearly maxing out one of the g5's processors. Seems like a bug to me; anyone else seen this?

JKT 2006-05-02 10:47 PM

Not fortunate to have that fast a download speed, but you evidently don't know that Software Update allows you to "Install and Keep" packages:


(Highlight the update(s) and choose that option from the menu - once the installation has finished, a Finder window called Packages will open and show you the installers).

afb 2006-05-02 10:53 PM

Thanks; it was just that it came up on MacUpdate and I happen to click on it ...

Forrest 2006-05-03 08:34 AM

[QUOTE=afb]The number for the speed in the window was changing very rapidly and nearly maxing out one of the g5's processors.[/QUOTE]

I'm curious how you determined that.

bewebste 2006-05-03 11:37 AM

I see the same behavior on my Powerbook, with the extremely rapid updating of the downloads window spiking the CPU in Activity Monitor. Closing the downloads window does cut down the CPU usage some.

afb 2006-05-03 11:47 AM

[QUOTE=Forrest]I'm curious how you determined that.[/QUOTE]

Looking at the downloads window, the speed number literally changed very quickly, so fast that the ones and the tenths places could not be read. The computer was not doing any other processor-intensive tasks, and top showed OW's usage around 80%. I didn't close the window to see if it would help, but I imagine it would have cut down the processor usage.

Update: just now I downloaded the new beta for NetNewsWire, at around 400 KB/s, again seeing this in the downloads window; closing the window did not significantly decrease processor usage, which here was around 60%.

JKT 2006-05-03 02:54 PM

I just ran an experiment while downloading OmniOutliner Pro 3.6 and experienced the same thing as you... OmniWeb maxes the CPU while downloading if the Download Manager is open. I also ran a few tests and the hogging also occurs when the manager is closed or minimised to the Dock as well; however, if you pause the download, it stops and only starts maxing CPU when you resume.

IOW, this [i]is[/i] happening for me too.

Forrest 2006-05-03 10:35 PM

I ran a few test using the same download file. Each test in OW was the same. One was with the download manger open, one with it closed. Then I downloaded the same file in WebKit and Firefox.

The CPU usage for each is charted below:

afb 2006-05-04 07:58 AM

Here's my test with OW, the standard Safari in 10.4.6 and Camino, using Activity Monitor.


Forrest: what's that app you're using to make those pretty graphs?

Forrest 2006-05-04 09:42 AM

Forrest: what's that app you're using to make those pretty graphs?[/QUOTE]

[url=]X Resource Graph[/url]

It's not too fancy, but it provides a lot of info for free.

I 'shopped it a bit.

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