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fmoyer 2007-06-08 03:12 AM

Multiple Projects
I've just downloaded OmniPlan -- have never used project management software, so this question is probably very basic. I need to plan multiple projects that will all requiring time from my 3 workers and myself. Each person's time per week is obviously a finite number. How can OmniPlan know that it already alloted 3 hours for Monday to Gail for Project A so it only has 5 remaining "Gail" hours on Monday for Project B?

Lizard 2007-06-08 10:20 AM

At the moment, the only way to do this is to put all your projects in one Plan file. With the outline structure, you can collapse all of them or expand just one to work with it without being distracted by the others.

We have many users clamoring for separate project files that share resource information, but that is a big feature which we have not had the opportunity to implement yet.

geoffc 2007-06-09 08:35 AM

I thought there was a way to import one project file into another, and if the resource names matched they would be shared in the resulting file?

skwirl 2007-06-11 05:41 PM

[QUOTE=geoffc]I thought there was a way to import one project file into another, and if the resource names matched they would be shared in the resulting file?[/QUOTE]

We do have an applescript you can try that will allow you to merge one project into another.

The script copies all of the tasks from Project B into Project A and either assigns them to the resources already in the file, or adds the resources if they're not already there. You then have a much better view of the overload and scheduling problems across all your projects, without needing to store everything your team is working on in the same file.

You can download it from the [URL=""]OmniPlan Extras[/URL] page.

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