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Osakhomen 2007-06-22 04:55 PM

When is OmniFocus coming out??!
... just wondering?

pvonk 2007-06-22 05:03 PM

Are you expecting a specific date, or just a month, season, or year?

Osakhomen 2007-06-22 05:09 PM

Month or Season.

Ken Case 2007-06-22 05:11 PM

Sometime later this year, as soon as it's ready.

Believe me: if we knew a specific date, we'd tell you (and everyone else)! It's not that we're trying to be secretive, we just can't tell folks a date that we haven't yet figured out ourselves.

Working on a new software project is a lot like being Lewis and Clarke exploring uncharted territory: you can see that there's a mountain ahead of you and that you're getting closer to it each day, but you can't tell that between here and there there's a big crevasse followed by a canyon and a winding river.

At some point we'll be close enough that we'll be able to see all the land between here and there and then it will be much easier to pick a solid date. But since we're not yet feature complete, we haven't reached that point yet.

My rough guess is that we'll be feature complete by the end of July, and ship a month or two after that. But I've been wrong before, and we'll have a much better idea once we do hit that feature complete milestone.

Ken Case 2007-06-22 05:14 PM

(Note: I guess we could pick a date now if we declared the current set of features to be the complete set. But there are still a few more features we'd really like to do for the 1.0 release.)

Osakhomen 2007-06-22 05:15 PM

Gah, that sucks. I'm going to have to buy OO Pro then.

Ken Case 2007-06-22 05:27 PM

Oh, was your question more about when OmniFocus would be available for you to download, rather than when 1.0 would be shipping?

If you sign up on the beta list today, the wait time should be less than a month.

Osakhomen 2007-06-22 05:48 PM

Oh. Hehe, yay. Thanks!

curt.clifton 2007-06-23 03:26 AM

But if you can afford it, buy OO Pro anyway. It rocks!

brooce 2007-06-23 08:40 AM

Thanks for the visibility into the date process, Ken.

As someone who works for a publicly traded software company, I'm envious of your flexibility in making the determination.

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