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Nutrimentia 2007-07-16 06:48 PM

User Selectable Save Location
I appreciate the selectable backup location, but I'd also like to chose where my .ofocus file gets saved, as opposed to always saving in ApplicationSupport. Makes it easier for me to handle my own syncs/backups.

Lizard 2007-07-16 09:42 PM

Technically, your .ofocus file can be anywhere, so long as there's a symlink pointing to it in Application Support where OmniFocus is looking for it.

dhm2006 2007-07-18 04:58 AM


Is that just an alias, or something different?

pvonk 2007-07-18 10:21 AM

[QUOTE=dhm2006]Is that just an alias, or something different?[/QUOTE]
A symbolic link (symlink) in UNIX references a file, usually in a different location. But if you move the referenced file, the link becomes broken. Aliases maintain the link to the new location.

Check out Wikipedia for details.

dhm2006 2007-07-18 11:32 AM

Thank you.

jasong 2007-07-19 10:15 AM

Can this be handled better directly from OmniFocus? I'm not sure I understand the value of having it in ~/Application Support/, since no one I know thinks to look there for "their" documents. This will prove problematic in Leopard, I think, with Time Machine: I want to go back in time looking for my OmniFocus document, and I would want to do it in the same place I have all my other documents.

Anthony.Calzadilla 2007-07-19 12:42 PM

[QUOTE=jasong]Can this be handled better directly from OmniFocus? I'm not sure I understand the value of having it in ~/Application Support/, since no one I know thinks to look there for "their" documents.[/QUOTE]

I agree... Or maybe you can set a default file/location to save them at. Like what DevonThink Pro has...

Lizard 2007-07-19 03:23 PM

[QUOTE=jasong]Can this be handled better directly from OmniFocus? I'm not sure I understand the value of having it in ~/Application Support/, since no one I know thinks to look there for "their" documents. This will prove problematic in Leopard, I think, with Time Machine: I want to go back in time looking for my OmniFocus document, and I would want to do it in the same place I have all my other documents.[/QUOTE]

In terms of saving data, OmniFocus is probably more like Mail than like, say, OmniOutliner. In Outliner, a user is expected to create multiple documents. In Mail, there are separate messages, but they're all stored in one big archive/database/whatever. Outliner lets the user manage the files in the finder -- group them into folders, delete them, etc. so they should be in a user-friendly part of the home directory -- ~/Documents. Mail tucks it all away in ~/Library/Mail.

And yes, Mail does let you customize where to save stuff. And yes, we do have a bug filed saying we should let you customize where to save stuff, and another one for building in some back-up support.

SpiralOcean 2007-07-21 07:52 AM

A workaround for this...

close OF
take the file generated by OF
move the file to wherever you want

As long as you click on the file to open OF, the file will open.
As soon as you click on OF application, it will generate a new file in the old location, or reopen in the old location.

I use this trick for carrying OF around on a thumb drive.

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