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donhoffman 2007-08-10 02:40 PM

Setting nested context from script
Are there any examples of how to set a nested context from the scripting interface? E.g., Work->Email


RobTrew 2007-08-13 01:42 PM

You need a reference to the corresponding element in the contexts tree of the document

One way would be something like:

[CODE]tell application "OmniFocus"

set oContextList to contexts of first document

set oContext to my FindContext("Email", oContextList)

-- ...
-- Assume creation of, or reference to an Omnifocus task (oTask) somewhere here
-- ...

set context of oTask to oContext

end tell

-- get a pointer to any defined context with this name
on FindContext(strName, oContexts)
tell application "OmniFocus"
ignoring case
repeat with oContext in oContexts
-- set strContextName to name of oContext
if (name of oContext) = strName then
return oContext
set oSubContexts to contexts of oContext
if (count of (oSubContexts)) > 0 then
set ContextFound to my FindContext(strName, oSubContexts)
-- Check whether a context has in fact been found
set SomeName to name of ContextFound
return ContextFound
end try
end if
end if
end repeat
end ignoring
end tell
end FindContext[/CODE]

RobTrew 2007-08-14 01:43 AM

Or, quicker ...
Probably quicker, in fact, to use the verb "Complete" which is provided in the Omnifocus applescript dictionary, and which will find nested contexts directly.

[CODE]tell application "OmniFocus"
tell first document
set oTask to make new inbox task with properties {name:"Testing"}

set context of oTask to my FindContext("Email")
end try
end tell
end tell

on FindContext(strContext)
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell first document
set oContextList to complete strContext as context maximum matches 1
if (oContextList is {}) then
return context id (id of item 1 of oContextList)
end if
end tell
end tell
end FindContext

RobTrew 2007-08-14 02:54 AM

Finally, if you had two nested contexts with the same name, e.g.
[INDENT]Work > Email[/INDENT]and[INDENT]Home > Email[/INDENT]
you could specify the particular path by using a colon as a separator.
For example, using the FindContext() function defined in the previous post:

set context of oTask to my FindContext("Work:Email")
end try[/CODE]

menza 2011-09-16 12:22 PM

Adding a task with nested contexts
I would like to use Applescript to add a task with nested contexts (a task with the context people:keith). I have been unable to discover how to do this.

Any help would be appreciated.

Brian 2011-09-16 01:48 PM

Menza, I'm going to move your post to an existing thread which has the info you're looking for. Responding in the thread you created before I do that so you get any notifications you signed up for.

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