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dbyler 2007-08-13 07:48 AM

Growl notifications
I finally made the switch from kGTD to OmniFocus, and although I love the new functionality, I find I can't trust the system yet. Of course mistakes are forgivable for an alpha product, but I've entered several items using Quick Entry that just disappear.

A Growl success/failure notification after every Quick Entry would provide the piece of mind to trust the system:[LIST=1][*]Enter a task in Quick Entry[*]See the Growl success notification[*]Work on in peace[/LIST]Also, I hope the Omni team will utilize Growl instead of a homegrown notification solution. I'm sure a lot of users will agree.

curt.clifton 2007-08-13 09:31 AM

[QUOTE=dbyler;19208]I finally made the switch from kGTD to OmniFocus, and although I love the new functionality, I find I can't trust the system yet. Of course mistakes are forgivable for an alpha product, but I've entered several items using Quick Entry that just disappear.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry that you've lost items. In two months of using the sneaky peak, I've never had items from QuickEntry "just disappear".

You may be running into a problem with the default settings. By default, items entered in QE with a context or a project (or both) do [I]not[/I] go to the inbox. Instead, they are filed away according to the context or project.

Auto-filing might be OK for items with both a context and project, but if they just have one or the other things can go wrong. Items with a context and no project won't show up in the project view. They only show up in the context view. Conversely, items with a project and no context never show up in context view [I]and can block subsequent actions on the project[/I].

You can force all QE items to go to the inbox by entering the following command in Terminal:
defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniFocus QuickEntryItemsGoToInbox -bool true

I personally think this should be the default setting, with a preference for auto-filing. I've submitted that opinion as formal feedback. If you concur, please do the same.

(As to the subject of the thread. I like Growl too, but would probably not use Growl notification for new OF inbox items.)

dbyler 2007-08-13 11:11 AM


Good comments. I suppose it's possible the missing items successfully ended up in Context view and I'll eventually find a couple duplicate tasks somewhere. (I was watching my Projects view at the time.) I'll keep that in mind in the future and only enter a context when there's also a project -- even if it's only "Single Tasks".

That said, I would still feel much more comfortable getting a confirmation that my command was successfully executed. The beauty of Growl is that notifications can be as unobtrusive as you want -- or simply disabled, if you prefer.


Cortig 2007-08-13 11:36 AM

It's true that Growl is both pretty powerful and pretty flexible. I second the request. I'd like to have Growl support as well,

RobLewis 2007-08-13 06:24 PM

I'll throw in my vote for Growl. Why reinvent the wheel?

BwanaZulia 2007-08-14 02:10 AM

+1 for Growl!


dbyler 2007-08-22 05:15 AM

I received an email from Omni saying they're not planning to support Growl notifications -- but they may reconsider if they receive more formal support.

If Growl support interests you, feel free to comment here, but -- more importantly -- please send feedback to [email][/email]!

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