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asiufy 2007-08-17 05:41 AM

Yahoo Mail not loading

When I try to visit [url][/url], I get stuck in an endless redirect loop. First, it redirects to [url][/url], then back to [url][/url], then back to the first redirect, ad eternum...

Anybody else seeing this?

PS: Using the latest OW sneakypeeks (v612.0.90262)

asiufy 2007-08-21 06:27 PM

Sorry, I hate to do this, but is anyone at Omni even looking at this issue? It's been 4 days since I reported it, and not a peep...
Is there any other "official" channels of bug reporting? This bug, along with the Gmail bug I reported earlier today are making things very hard for me...

Vician 2007-08-21 10:22 PM

Generally, you'll want to use the Help -> Send Feedback... for the official bug reporting.

As to the Yahoo thing, it works just fine for me. However, Gmail links don't open like they should, but I haven't tried messing with the user agent just to see if it's something Google or Omni is doing.

JKT 2007-08-22 12:23 AM

GMail links work fine for me (build 349), even when identified as OmniWeb.

closethipster 2007-08-25 07:07 PM

[QUOTE=asiufy;19518]Anybody else seeing this?[/QUOTE]

Yahoo! Mail has been working okay for me. OW stays put after the first redirect (to [url][/url]...). This is with both the last full release and all of the 5.6 sneaky peeks I've tried..

Are you able to preview your mailbox from Have you tried going through and removing any cookies for So strange that you'd be stuck in a redirect loop..

tetsuo29 2007-09-19 07:29 AM

Having the same problem w/ Camino, Safari, & Firefox
[QUOTE=asiufy;19804]Sorry, I hate to do this, but is anyone at Omni even looking at this issue? It's been 4 days since I reported it, and not a peep...
Is there any other "official" channels of bug reporting? This bug, along with the Gmail bug I reported earlier today are making things very hard for me...[/QUOTE]

I'm having the same problem with Camino, Safari, & Firefox. It seems the only remedy is to use the "Reset" feature in Camino & Safari and the "Clear Private Data" feature in Firefox. I don't use OmniWeb. I found your post via Google and just wondered if clearing the Cache & Cookies in OmniWeb might not fix the problem for you?

zottel 2007-09-20 11:10 AM

I see problems like that quite often because I have cookies defaulted not to accept. If that's the case for you, too, try enabling cookies for yahoo.

There are cases where this doesn't help, either, as there are redirects between several domains all of which need enabled cookies. The only help then is to use Safari with enabled cookies for that site or to temporarily allow any cookies from any site.

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