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Gustomela 2007-08-26 10:50 AM

after 2 days of Camino...
Hi folks,

I just need to share this with fellow OmniWeb users...

Two days ago I was happily surfing the web with our beloved browser...
Then it started, as usual, to go slow until it stucks and becomes totally unresponsive.
And you start to surf unhappily.
I am used to this behaviour and resigned to have to force quit the engine every now and then.
But sometimes you just feel fed up.

So in a moment of browser-madness I cranked up ol' good (well, 1.5 actually) Camino and set it as my default browser (Firefox will never be an option, Safari is just so "so-so").

Wow, Camino is stable! And what nice features it has... Growl integration, shweet...
Mmh... :)
I've been using it for two days (after heavily modding the GUI). In two days, not a single force quit. This app is totally steady.
The font rendering may be a little ugly, but hey... it stands up no matter what you're doing with it, you don't have to expect a freeze if you have many tabs open or whatever... Sometimes Omni freezes even on start up! :) With Camino you just surf withou worries... This is so good, really.

After two days I've started to miss all the goodness of my browser of choice. Good ol' OmniWeb (as old as the latest sneaky peak). Back home, back in your arms! Err...
Boy, I needed oxygen! Couldn't live any more without all the little niceties of OmniWeb. I disperately missed the click hightlight on the links that is so, so useful and you only realize it when you go discover how you miss it! It's a great visual feedback. Those small things that do not jump in your face but that are totally awesome. I missed the easyness of switching between tabs, I missed the thumbs of the pages I opened right there in the drawer. It's so useful: you open a page with a cmd-click and you don't have to switch to that tab to check what comes out of that click, the thumbs give you an idea and sometimes it's enough to understand if that page is interesting or not, and eventually you just close it. That saves a lot of time!

And then all the other stuff... font smoothness... the amazing page info panel (a killer feature!)... per site prefs and everything else... And autofill&autocomplete, how could I not mention this!!

All these good things stuffed together in one browser...

But dear Omnifolks...
This browser is so good it deserves to get more attention, more love.
I know you depend on how things go with WebKit, but not everything depends of WebKit. There's a lot that could be done to improve the browser, really...

If I was a developper, and thanks god I'm not (so I don't have to deal with pesky users like me), I'd give it:

- Growl integration so that you don't have to check the d/l window to see what's going on

- a new GUI less cluttered, my god! that tab drawer needs to be reworked!! new icons!!! boy Omni looks like Jaguar!! ooold! come on, this is unacceptable :) It's plenty of skilled and unpretentious designers out there, why not give someone a call? :))

- no matter how I love the way Omni handles the tabs, an option to have them in the old classic way would be more than welcome (for those times when your desktop has little real estate)

- a working bookmark manager!! I want my new bookmarks to go to the end of the list, but no matter what you set in the prefs, they always go to the top! Grrrr, how annoying...

- oh, the future of web browsing: normal separators in the bookmarks bar. A simple line, this incredible feature :)) Such a little addition, but it would be blessing. An empty space just doesn't work, for me at least.

That's it. Pardon the verbose flood, but blame it on the two days with Camino.


mjuengling 2007-08-26 05:05 PM

That are exactly the points always will bring me back to him, the one and only. The Browser within...
The lack of really good perks in other browsers makes the choice easy.

Something I would like to see: not to scale the tab icons in relative to the tab bar. The icons must be scalable alone.

arglborps 2007-09-18 04:58 PM

The "freeze" as it sometimes appears is probably the syncing to .Mac. OmniWeb is doing that on startup and sometimes if you let it hang around in the background for a while.

While I find it highly annoying that I can't use my browser for about 1 minute (!) just because it's synching the bookmarks, what I find even more annoying is that it more often than not completely fails at that. So every now and then, when I come home, I wait for the sync just to discover that some bookmarks I added during the day at the office are still missing (I actually even do tell OW to sync manually, with no avail).

Is this a .Mac sync issue? Does it suck so badly? Yojimbo e.g. also fails 90% of the time when synching. Without even giving me errors. If .Mac synching is so broken, why don't you roll your own thing? That way we might even get synching via FTP implemented some time...

ata 2007-10-12 07:02 AM

Camino is my usual "fallback browser" -- i.e. my "OmniWeb just crashed and I had a huge workspace open and I don't feel like restoring it" browser. But whenever that happens, it almost always ends up becoming my default browser, at least for a while. Simply because I'm always struck by its lighting-quick responsiveness. The speed of OmniWeb has improved a lot in the 5.6 sneakypeeks compared to 5.5, but compared to Camino, it [i]still[/i] feels downright sluggish.

That said, there really aren't any [i]features[/i] (or very few, at least) from Camino that I miss when using OmniWeb. It's really just the speed that's holding me back. For any OS X early adopters, think of what the OS felt like in March 2001 compared to that day's Mac OS 9. Sure, OS 9 didn't have nearly as many features and was decidedly less "modern", but it got the job done, and goddamn, it was [i]fast[/i] -- something OS X 10.0 definitely could not claim. Know what I mean?

I'm just wondering if we'll ever see that same level of responsiveness in OmniWeb. Is it so much to ask that command-clicking on a link not take half a second before the new tab is open and the page is loading? (I know, OmniWeb only gets to that point if you have a whole lot of windows and tabs open, but still -- I'm posting this from Camino, and I have seven windows open, each with dozens of tabs, and it's just as snappy as ever.)

FredH 2007-10-12 10:31 PM

I mentioned this before, but maybe other people will agree if I bring it up again, and I don't know if it's widely known: One feature I really like in Camino is being able to set keyword shortcuts for tab groups. So I can type "news" and it will bring up my group of tabs in that folder.

I'm sure some people prefer using an F-key for workspaces but I'd rather have a keyword instead. I don't know if it would be feasible for workspaces since they are not the same as tab groups (but for me they are essentially the same)

P.S. I'm a senior member now, you must listen!

George the Flea 2007-10-14 06:37 PM

I've had a really similar experience; I've just been getting sick to death of the way OmniWeb sneaky peeks keep crashing and locking up. Practically whenever OmniWeb is coming back from being a background app it makes me force quit. 5.5 wasn't all that much better, either.

I've been using Camino for a couple days, and while I do love it's speed, it just makes webpages so much uglier. Form buttons, text rendering; it's just nowhere near as good as OmniWeb. But it doesn't crash on me all the time, and that's kind of a requirement since I'm doing web design professionally and need my browser to be stable as a rock.


I've actually been thinking about using Shiira (since it now does visual tabs down the sidebar!), but I can't because neither 1Passwd nor Bookit support it. Curses!

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