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Shanana 2007-09-03 01:22 PM

Getting from context to project
I'm not sure if this is something I haven't figured out yet or if it isn't there.

Often when I complete an action as I'm working out the context view and I'm getting set to move on to something else that belongs to a different project, I find it important to have a boo at the project and make sure that the next moving piece is in place and ready to go if I need it to be. I find this is good for me because I often don't or can't have all the actions in a project lined up at the time I start to plan it and frequently I change my mind as the progress of the project changes. This is an under 2 min activity and even though I review some of my projects more than weekly (via next review during my daily review) I still like to do this when "leaving" a project. What I'd like to be able to do is jump to the project quickly from the context view and then make sure all is well and then pop right back to the context where I left off.

As it is, I'm needing to leave the context view and then hunt through projects to find the project, make the changes and then go back. It isn't a big deal but I am easily distracted when I get into that project view on a hunt for the project and I feel like being able to "link" to it somehow would help. There might be good GTD reasons to not be able to do this but I really can't think of them.

Does anyone know if what I'm after does indeed exist. If not, do we desire it?


curt.clifton 2007-09-03 02:21 PM

Select an action in context view and choose View --> Show in Projects View. OF will switch to the projects view with the action selected.

Or did I misunderstand your question?

brianogilvie 2007-09-03 05:04 PM

[QUOTE=curt.clifton;20525]Select an action in context view and choose View --> Show in Projects View. OF will switch to the projects view with the action selected.[/QUOTE]

What Curt said.

If your current filter in Context mode excludes completed actions, it's a good idea to do this before checking off the action. You can even check it off in project view after you've made sure you have defined the next action.

Shanana 2007-09-04 01:14 AM

Awesome... I'm a hotkey kind of person and the slick alt + command + r switching is exactly what I was looking for. Seeing as it was in there right in the menu under my nose, I don't know how I missed it. My relationship with this app just gets better and better everyday. Love it. Thank you.


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