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omniReb 2007-09-25 07:27 AM

OmniFocus and Daylite?
Any chance there could be a way to integrate OmniFocus with Daylite?

jstrat 2007-10-08 06:52 AM

I have been looking at this and its not great as is.
With the new Daylite comes sync services access to iCal.

However as it currently stands OF does not play in the right way to be useful with Daylite.

First problem. OF applies project name to the end of a task when one is selected. So if a task originates in Daylite and is then put in a project in OF, Daylite views this as a different task and deletes the original and so any links to context in Daylite.

Second problem, OF only syncs next actions to iCal. So if you have a whole task path in Daylite that is synced into OF. OF then removes all the non next tasks from iCal which removes them from Daylite.

So in a word the two apps work in very different ways even though they both sync to iCal. It does not make much sense to change the way OF is working. So I am thinking that AppleScript may have to come to the rescue in some way.

Like I say - still looking at it. Will post back if I come up with anything useful.


schakwin 2008-03-09 07:05 AM

Integrating OF and Daylite (and OO)
I'd like to pitch in to keep this alive, since I think there are possibilities here.

I had been using OF for everything and then discovered Daylite. Daylite fit my work needs much better than OF did and now I'm using it for my work.

On the other hand, for my non-work life (such as it is) Daylite is overkill. The idea of using it on that aspect of my life is like hiring a battleship to sail across a pond.

But there are things that I do that live in both my work and my non-work lives and it would be nice to have the two able to talk to each other without scrambled syntax.

Also, it would be really nice to be able to set up a live link from OO (where I create and store my long-term goals) and OF so that I could clone a sub-goal in OO into a project in OF. <whining sarcastic voice on>Of course, I can't even clone a topic in OO into another line in the same outline<whining sarcastic voice off> but I'm told that someday that function will appear. When it does, I hope it will bring the capacity for that kind of link bounding along with it...


dconjar 2008-06-23 01:50 PM

Let's keep this to the top of the forum. There are a lot of people that use OF and Daylite, and a pure and simple sync between tasks would be perfect.

Any applescript wizards?

nanovation 2008-08-09 09:47 PM

Have you guys been able to integrate OmniFocus with Daylite yet? If so, please let me know. Thanks.

Dewdman42 2008-11-13 01:05 PM

Another Daylite user here. I'm holding off on OF until it becomes more compatible with Daylite. Need to be able to sync up by Project, in other words, keep a particular iCal calendar in sync with a particular OF project and the current status of the task should not matter. Until such day, can't really use the two together very well.

DanDiamond 2008-11-28 10:07 AM

I'm casting my vote for integration between the two. They are both, hands down, two of the most important programs for my business. Integration would be wonderful!

Brian 2008-12-04 06:10 PM

Folks that want to see this feature added should use Send Feedback under the help menu to submit feedback to the support ninjas. We browse the forums as we're able, but the ninjas are guaranteed to read your email and record the feedback.

David4GTD 2008-12-14 11:06 AM

A Daylite User - Would Love to Use OF
I actually think these programs are more competitors than integratable. I would love to see this but both programs manage projects and tasks. Daylite is much stronger at managing projects and integrating the calendar and contacts. It seems OF is much better at managing tasks and integrating e-mail. Both need to become richer in what they don't do well - I am not sure integration is possible - however - given they are both great programs it would be nice to see them get married somehow.


whpalmer4 2008-12-14 11:26 AM

I've never seen Daylite. What does it provide that makes its project management capabilities superior, in your opinion?

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