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steve 2007-11-11 09:56 PM

training or tricking auto-complete
Here are some of my contexts:
People>Jack>>Jack waiting

People>Mary>>Mary waiting

Waiting For[/INDENT]
I like to have a waiting for sub-context under each of the key people that report to me. Waiting for is for everything else-- i.e. waiting for omni beta :)

When I start typing "waiting. . ." it autocompletes Jack waiting or mary waiting even thought I use these less than the catch all "waiting for"

It seems like it would be good if you could weight these by their position on your context list or better yet, if it would offer the more popular context.

Of course, I could trick it by writing "esperando" which is waiting in spanish.


Lutin 2007-11-12 01:05 AM

I like your suggestion.
It would be nice if OmniFocus auto-suggestion would learn the same way than Quicksilver does.

steve 2007-11-12 05:07 AM

Yes, I love the way quicksilver figures you out! This would be very cool.

sprugman 2007-11-14 08:07 AM

you might be able to train OF by using different abbreviations:

type jw to get jack waiting
type mw to get mary waiting
type wf to get waiting for

Lutin 2007-11-14 12:04 PM

[QUOTE=sprugman;24654]you might be able to train OF by using different abbreviations[/QUOTE]

You are tricking it, but I don't think it's learning.
I would love to be wrong though, now or with future builds.

steve 2007-11-14 07:52 PM

[QUOTE=sprugman;24654]you might be able to train OF by using different abbreviations:

type jw to get jack waiting
type mw to get mary waiting
type wf to get waiting for[/QUOTE]'

sprug-- this did the trick. thanks for the tip. I had to change my "waiting" context to "waiting for" I small thing like this saves lots of frustration! Thank you.

lutin-- I'm with you. I love the QS magic!

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