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Tiggar 2007-11-30 05:42 AM

Search like in Safari 3
Please make the highlight of a found pattern like in Safari 3.



Flounder 2007-12-04 03:05 AM

I too would like to see this implemented. THANKS!

MJ_Valente 2008-01-04 01:15 PM

I'd also would like a better find capacity.

atomicham 2008-01-04 10:39 PM

I agree. Oddly, I keep going back to Safari simply because of the find. Sounds stupid, but I like what I like.

JKT 2008-01-05 10:05 AM

Until the search in OmniWeb is improved in a later version, you can achieve a find feature that is a halfway house between OmniWeb's and Safari's implementation now - visit the [URL=""]OmniWeb extras pages[/URL] on the OmniGroup site and download the [B]Highlighter[/B] bookmarklet. It will put a yellow background on all instances of the search term (e.g. Safari on these pages):


owuser 2008-01-05 10:26 AM

Thanks for that tip JKT.

hardcoreUFO 2008-01-05 03:56 PM

That isnt a great substitute for Safari's search, as you cannot then move among the highlighted search terms -- you have to look for them manually.

I'm hoping the next version of OW will make a quantum leap and catch up to the other mac browsers. It has lagged badly in key features over the past couple years, no doubt due to the developer attention paid to Omni's new apps.

Boatguy 2008-01-07 06:14 PM

Plagarism is a form of flattery. The Safari search is excellent, swallow your pride and copy it.

gofast 2008-01-17 07:41 PM

I so completely agree with this. OW has kicked Safari ass for a long time, but when I went to Leopard I fell in love with that inline search facility.

Also love the merge window command, the option to reload all last session windows as opposed to making it automatic (I think there's a key stroke to force OW to NOT load them, but if you use it you can't THEN load them), and the Reopen Last Closed Window command.

Add in an open last closed tab, and I'd be in heaven.

Safari did follow OW with having a searchable history that included page text, so one of my fave things about OW is now available in Safari...combined with the

However, I have found that using the all-powerful ad-blocking in OW means that the processor penalty is much lower in OW comparing the same group of open tabs. That's an issue for me on my G4 iBook, though not as much on my Intel box.

mergatroid 2008-01-20 05:25 AM

Choose a highlight color ...
[QUOTE=JKT;30333]Until the search in OmniWeb is improved in a later version, you can achieve a find feature that is a halfway house between OmniWeb's and Safari's implementation now - visit the [URL=""]OmniWeb extras pages[/URL] on the OmniGroup site and download the [B]Highlighter[/B] bookmarklet. It will put a yellow background on all instances of the search term (e.g. Safari on these pages):

I edited the Highlighter javascript to change the background color from %20yellow%20 to %20cyan%20. A list of names for background colors can be found [URL=""]here[/URL].

Though, yes, OmniWeb ninjas rise up, and ..., [B][I]Forward![/I][/B] and implement the Safari search feature as soon as practically possible. We must keep up with the Joneses (sp?).

I just purchased OmniWeb, and still checking everything out. It's already my default browser. The Opera browser is second. Firefox and Safari are tied for third.

OmniWeb is a pure built and a [B]Made For The Mac[/B] kind of app. Time will make it better. Gotta love it.

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