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msim 2007-12-06 09:36 AM

good printing layout for omnifocus
the current printing layout is terrible. any other ideas as to how to fit more tasks in an organized manner on one letter sized sheet? thanks!

iNik 2007-12-06 11:38 AM

I've been pretty impressed with iCal in Leopard and how it formats printed output. OmniFocus prints also work pretty well with PagePacker to create a little to-go task booklet.

msim 2007-12-06 02:40 PM

ical printouts are good. but they are not classified by date or by context... :(

Tim Wood 2007-12-06 05:11 PM

Could you post a screenshot of the output you are getting so we have something to work from (and concrete descriptions of what you like or don't like about it)?

msim 2007-12-09 11:56 AM

i do not really know how to take a quick snapshot of what it prints. but essentially omnifocus prints a list of to dos that you see in Cmd-2 view. It is not a compact list, rather is spaced out (lots of new lines). it would be nice to have a compact print option (sorted and categorized by due dates, by context or by project).


joelande 2007-12-09 12:08 PM

Hit print
select preview
hit command-shift-4
highlight the section you want to snap

joelande 2007-12-09 03:44 PM

I notice four things I would like to see differently:
1) Maintain the shading for context/project headers
2) Not so much white space between rows
3) Even though I have them as an option in the Page setup, checkboxes are not printing
4) A way to suppress the "Project"column in context view (and visa versa)

iNik 2007-12-10 01:02 PM

A few ideas:

Shrink the font size: My screen fonts are set fairly large for easy on-screen reading. A print-out is, effectively, higher resolution, so smaller fonts would fit more on a page. Since prints are usually going traveling, fewer pages is a good thing.

Columnar Output: Again, in the interests of fitting more on a page, columnar output would be awesome. On a landscape-sized page, you could fit a great many tasks in 2-3 columns.

Check boxes: I printed out my to-do list for chore-day. Now I want to mark 'em done! Sure, I can cross them out, but how much COOLER would it be if I could check a box? Mmmm... Satisfying!

At the same time, the configurability of the current setup is quite nice. Lots of ways to skin this cat. I may spend a little time on a prospective layout.

CrzyMke 2007-12-10 01:16 PM

I like a lot of the suggestions above, but one great one would be if OF could integrate a Pagepacker-like layout for direct printing to a small booklet.

(It [I]has[/I] gone open source, after all - if anyone else thought it might be a worthwhile addition)

iNik 2007-12-10 01:35 PM

Along the lines of the iCal printout, I started thinking about a nice "print what I need for today" layout. I don't know whether this would be most suitable as a replacement for the current print layout, or whether it would be a one-click "print today's to-do list" option. Either way, it would be nice to have a concise summary of whatever you need to take with you.

[url=]Here's a mockup in OG.[/url] I appended a ton of notes to it with more details.

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