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Joel 2008-01-11 02:17 PM

OmniGraffle 5.0 beta 5 is now available
Oh, I know what you're asking yourself:

"What happened to beta 4?"

Well, that particular release wound up on the CD that we're taking down to Macworld, so if you really want to see it, you'll just have to come down and visit us at the booth.

That said, this beta, this beta that is numbered 5, and not numbered 4, has many fixes inside of it, along with those things that were in the beta numbered 4, so I guess you don't really have to come to San Francisco after all. (but we'd like it if you did)

However, what this beta that is numbered 5 does not have are localizations, I'm afraid. They're almost complete but we've run into a snag where the disk images wound up being ginormous, so this go around it's English-only.

Go, see, [URL=""]download[/URL], enjoy!

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