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Ward 2008-01-29 06:02 AM

Send to Inbox: an Escape dilemma
As I've become more accustomed to using Services > OmniFocus: Send to Inbox from various applications, I started having the pop-up Send to Inbox window disappear. That is, I'd be filling in the three fields, and poof, no Send to Inbox window.

I just realized what's happening. My left hand, all by itself, is hitting the Escape key to accept a project or context selection, just like it does in an OmniFocus action line. But Escape in a Send to Inbox window becomes a Cancel (just like in a dialog box).

Looks like time to send my left hand to obedience school.

Would it be possible/desirable for Escape to mean Commit and not Cancel in a Send to Inbox window?

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Ken Case 2008-01-29 07:06 AM

[QUOTE=Ward;32078]Would it be possible/desirable for Escape to mean Commit and not Cancel in a Send to Inbox window?[/QUOTE]

In Preferences, change the "When pressing Escape" preference to "Switch between editing text and selecting row."

In the long term, I think we'll be moving the Escape key functionality to the Enter key (not the Return key) so that we'll be more consistent with everything else, where Enter means "save my changes" and Escape means "cancel my changes." (For example, this is what those keys mean when editing a filename in the Finder.)

Ward 2008-01-29 09:32 AM

Ah, yes, Preferences!
Although I should have checked Preferences before opening this thread, I probably would not have noticed the Escape preference because it's in the Quick Entry pane.

Although I'm using Send to Inbox more and more, I prefer direct entry into the OmniFocus window over Quick Entry (which I used only once, many moons ago, to see how it works). So I had not realized that Send to Inbox is a very fancy Quick Entry.

Tiny suggestion: Change the name of the Preferences pane to "Quick Entry & Send to Inbox".

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Ward 2008-04-08 07:39 AM

Escape in OmniWeb vs. Mail
After Ken's recommendation, I changed my Quick Entry prefs to have Escape "Switch between editing text and selecting row".

I've been using Escape in Mail > Sent to InBox without a problem. In fact, most of use of Send to InBox is in Mail.

I just attempted a Send to Inbox in OmniWeb ... and poof, the popup disappeared. My left hand had instinctively clicked Escape to commit a context selection.

So it appears Escape is working fine in Mail but not in OmniWeb. Hmmmm.

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